Plenty of transportation going on around here. One Bangalore public body that needs more attention on Praja is BWSSB. Of special interest to us should be their ambitious "Cauvery Water Supply Scheme Stage IV Phase - II to bring in 500 MLD Potable Water". I picked the title up from BWSSB's current projects page. Newspapers carry very little updates (I mean conslidated updates) on this project which is worth Rs 3383 crores. Receipt of bids was due on 26 September, wonder what happened.
Short of time right now to make a detailed post with what we know of this project so far, but I was wondering if anyone will be game to organize a meeting with BWSSB to get to know them and their big Cauvery stage IV project better. I am loaded with other Praja work right now hence this request for help.
Or do most of us think that transportation is the only issue facing this city :) ?
BWSSB Meeting
I will take this up & see where it leads.
Water does not seem so urgent a problem as traffic, hence the disinterest by many, I guess !
BWSSB - current projects and progress updates
It need efforts!