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ashfaq syed

ವಿಧಬರಹಲೇಖಕರುಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳುLast updated
Blog entryBESCOM financials sanjayv518 years 15 weeks ago
Project BlogRITES report on Implementation of Commuter Rail for Bengaluru idontspam548 years 31 weeks ago
Blog entryAssociation of Bengaluru Commuters ashfaq syed18 years 34 weeks ago
Blog entryUpdates from BMRC meeting Naveen298 years 41 weeks ago
Project BlogKarnataka seeks Railways’ nod for suburban network Sanjeev78 years 43 weeks ago
Blog entryGrid Connected Rooftop Solar in Bangalore through BESCOM sanjayv229 years 19 weeks ago
Project BlogSuburban Rail Bangalore Sanjeev710 years 28 weeks ago
Blog entryFDI in retail for Karnataka - I say NO! Can wait. silkboard5010 years 32 weeks ago
Project BlogA PIL for Namma Railu aka Commuter Rail Service (CRS) silkboard2411 years 1 week ago
Project BlogControversy brewing over commuter rail, Metro to blame? silkboard8711 years 8 weeks ago
Project BlogPrivate Public Participation model for CRS! ashfaq syed111 years 18 weeks ago
Project BlogCRS - Campaign to send 100 Petitions to CM asking for immediate approval kbsyed615311 years 41 weeks ago
Blog entryBengaluru Commuter Co-operative ashfaq syed611 years 46 weeks ago
Blog entryAutos - help them to help ourselves ashfaq syed311 years 48 weeks ago
Blog entryBMTC audit by CAG vinod_shankar1413 years 38 weeks ago
Blog entryePass for BMTC Bheema.Upadhyaya813 years 43 weeks ago
Project BlogShare your Bus day experiences here kbsyed612413 years 44 weeks ago
Blog entry I came, I saw, I am Flabbergasted ashfaq syed214 years 14 weeks ago
Blog entryLast mile connectivity – panacea for most PT problems ashfaq syed814 years 15 weeks ago
Project BlogCity, people, public - mingle on March 4 silkboard914 years 26 weeks ago
Blog entryPreaching to the choir – converting people to use public transport ashfaq syed414 years 29 weeks ago
Blog entryBMTC - It is all in the numbers ashfaq syed614 years 29 weeks ago
Blog entryLast Mile Connectivity for bus day ashfaq syed514 years 31 weeks ago

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