Praja – 28th in DNA’s list of '50 Most Influentials' in the city

As a measure of the influence Praja is beginning to have on the civic activities in the city, Praja was nominated 28th on DNA's list of '50 most influentials' in the city.
Praja teamed up with many NGO's and LokSatta for the 'saaku' anti-corruption rally on Dec 11th, which attracted participation from sizable sections of the city's youth. Besides, the misdeeds of the CM continued to exercise the minds of Prajagalu this month also.
Praja members participating in the Rally
Report on the Saaku Rally
Misuse of Kannada Language in Registrar of Societies
The comments by a true-blue Kannadiga on the misuse of his mother-toungue by the GoK officialdom, in pursuit of their mercenary objectives, came in for an involved debate, leading further to the question of a citizen's right to a response in English, a language which continues to enjoy 'official' recognition by the government.
For more read here
EMRI -108 Ambulance Service in Bengaluru
A none-too satisfactory experience of a member with the EMRI (Emergency Management Research Institute) - 108 (ph no) ambulance service, led to a Praja team setting up a meeting with the service provider, resulting eventually in a better understanding of the fairly exemplary PPP initiative.
Vasanth's first hand exeperience with 108-Ambulance Service
Meeting with EMRI Team
Meeting with BMTC for Bus Priority System
The "Bus Priority Scheme", conceived by Praja, has now begun to gain buy in from the BMTC officials, and hopefully, the city will see some innovative approaches in traffic management in the near future.
Report on Meeting with BMTC on Dec 22

Meanwhile, the Namma Railu team, with its missionary zeal, is regularly grabbing the headlines in the local media.
DH's report on Namma Railu