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'Unique PPP Initiative for Mahadevapura' - Note from R K Misra

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Some like him, some don't. Recently, I met with Mr R K Misra, one objective was to learn about an initiative for development for Mahadevapura area (Whitefield, Marathahalli, Sarjapura etc). At the end of it, I got a note from RK for posting here on his behalf. Well, here it is, unedited. Pardon me if you think this is marketing for an individual's organization or philosophy. I am not endorsing one thing over another. Any developmental news is worth sharing. Whether we like one group's philosophy, or hate an individual's approach, we should be in the know of these "outlets" for activism.


I wanted to bring to your notice an unique initiative by SAHYOG (my PPP Foundation which did first PPP roads in BLR) where we have set-up a Mahadevapura-Whitefield Development Task Force chaired jointly by me and local MLA/Minister - Arvind Limbavali.

First meeting was held on 23rd August with around 100 local area RWA reps to identify and categorize various development issues of the area. It was attended by every govt department head with concrete action plan. Second meeting was held on 7th Sep with Action Taken Report and review. Both meeting minutes are attached.

It is a true PPP where government is doing its part of developing civic amenities and transport infrastructure where as private citizens and corporates do their bit by helping govt by contributing money to adopt schools, providing rooms/toilets in the schools, upgrading PHCs (Public Health Centers), setting-up public libraries and cultural centers. Attached minutes will give you an overview of the progress so far.

We are extremely pleased with the pro-active approach and involvement of our MLA and concerned officials.

We feel this model could be replicated and is very efficient model of development where citizens work along with the government for their local area development. Enough checks and balances including third party quality monitoring are also being put in place to ensure quality and reduce corruption. Hearing about this initiative, neighbouring area residents and MLAs have approached us for similar initiative in their areas.

I feel it is a good PPP model worth emulating by others and would request you to kindly promote this.

We feel that this is more effective and efficient development model where citizens participate in their area and city development with effective control and monitoring, compared with high profile committees and advisory groups, whose recommendations mostly remain on paper only to the dismay of general public. Many such initiatives have come unstuck in the past too, be it BATF or others.



BTW, two of us (from Praja) could have gone to attend the third meeting of this Task force (this Thursday), but the invitation came too late (morning of the meeting day) for any of us to go. With some advance notice, Rithesh or myself would have attended it. One of us should, and see how these are conducted.


silkboard's picture

Minutes from 3rd meeting of this task force

150 users have liked.

Mahadevapura Agenda Task Force (MATF) 3rd Review Meeting Minutes


Date :18th  Sep-2008      Venue :Vikas Soudha – Room-122         Next Meeting – 18th Oct (3rd Saturday)

Minutes of the Meeting

The 3rd MATF meeting was convened by Mr. R. K. Misra and Chaired by the Honorable MLA & Minister Sri Arvind Limbavali.

It was attended by PS & Director Health Department, Primary Education Department, Asst Commissioner  Revenue & Tehsildar, Mr. Nayak-Joint Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and EiC of BBMP,  Lake Development Authority, Minor Irrigation Department, Regional Forest Officer, Deputy Chief Engineer SW Railways, National Highway Authority along with other officials from BBMP, BDA, PWD, BWSSB & BESCOM & core committee of SAHYOG.

Agenda- To review the progress made after 2nd meeting on 7th September – 2008.


1.     ROB/RUBs

1.1.   Kadugodi (Sai Baba Ashram) ROB
Deputy Chief Engineer – SW Railway, Mr. Suresh informed the chairman about the progress. Though progress is slow but fabrication work is in progress. To be completed by December end.

Action Item – Review the progress again on 18th October meeting.

1.2  Beniganahalli RUB
PWD NH Division is asphalting the road under the RUB. To be completed in 1 month. RUB/ROB is being redesigned for 6 lane. Railway line to be re-aligned. Final completion will take 2-3 years.

Action Item – To review in next meeting.


2.     BBMP


2.1.   Street Lights
Most lights which needed small repair are already working on Kundalahalli-Kodi Section. On Kundalahalli-Hoodi Road repair work tendering process is underway.
ACTION - BBMP to prepare the estimate for street lights on Varthur-Hope Farm-Kadugodi Rd

2.2.   Medians
BBMP Horticulture department has submitted the estimates. Waiting for approval.

2.3.   Concrete Footpaths

CONCRETE FOOTPATH - BBMP is preparing the estimate and will submit for approval

2.4.   Cutting of 20 Trees by AD Agency/Owner for Hoarding visibility

RFO to file FIR & BBMP to cancel the license


2.2  Underpass at Hope Farm Junction
Underpass design was presented and approved. BBMP to work on DPR & estimate for approval.

2.3  Lake Takeover by BBMP
Mahadevapura constituency has total 30 lakes measuring 997.22 acres. Chinappanahalli lake is being developed by BBMP. Rest of the lakes to be taken over by BBMP.

ACTION – Hon Minister to direct LDA to handover these lakes to BBMP.



3.     BDA

3.1.   Marthahalli-ORR Signal Free Junction
Design was presented and approved with minor changes. To be approved by BDA board on 26th Sep.

3.2.   KR Puram–Hope Farm Road widening & Asphalting with Bus Bays and Concrete Footpath
Proposal to be submitted for approval by BDA bord on 26th September.


3.3.   Traffic Junctions Improvement & Flyover at Kundalahalli
Junction improvement work is already under progress. To be completed by 18th October.
Flyover design was presented. DPR to be prepared and presented for approval by 18th October.

4.     PWD

4.1.   Repair of Kundalahalli-Varthut Kodi-Kadugodi Road
Estimate is awaiting approval with CE. To be followed up.

4.2.   Handing over of 2 Roads to BBMP
Kundalahalli- Varthur Kodi-Kadugodi Road and Kundalahlli-Hoodi Roads to be handed over to BBMP
Process is underway. Roads will be handed over post repair work completion.

4.3.   Slow work on Kadugodi-Hoskote (NH-4) road widening
Rain was the reason for work stoppage. Work to resume from next week. Completion by end November.

5.     KIADB - EPIP Area Street Lights and Road Repair


KIADB has already called for tenders to repair the street lights post which the area will be handed over to the Industry association. Action Item – KIADB and EPIP Association to report back the progress.

6.     Revenue (Tehsildar)

6.1.   Liquor Shops shifting from Kundalahalli jn
Notices issued. Complaint to be sent to Tehsildar/DC Excise

6.2.   Transfer of land for Public Library, Ranga Mandira (Cultural Center), Sports Complex
Land has been identified and transfer process to begin soon.

7.     BMTC – "No Progress Report from BMTC in this meeting"

7.1.   BMTC Bus Depot land along ORR in Marthahalli is being encroached. BMTC to take possession and develop Bus Depot asap

7.2.   BMTC to provide SARATHI in Marthahalli/Kundalahalli area to ensure orderly STOP of buses away from junctions

7.3.   BMTC/ZP to give list of RURAL Bus shelters to be provided in PPP model by SAHYOG

8.     Education & Health

8.1.   EDUCATION  

8.1.1. A PPP model was agreed to provide 25 School Rooms & Toilets
Vinod/Anand (SAHYOG) along with education department officials surveyed 3 primary schools and identified the need for 5 rooms and toilets. SAHYOG will provide these. Further visits to other schools will follow in coming weeks.

8.1.2. Two Government Degree Colleges & One Government Polytechnic
Department of higher education has decided to set-up 2 degree colleges, one each in Varthur and Kadugodi and one polytechnic in Chanaasandra. Revenue department has been requested to identify and allot required land for the purpose.

8.2.   HEALTH - Convert one PHC to General Hospital and one PHC to a Model PHC

Dr. Satish from SAHYOG along with Dr. Shivaram (DHO) visited 3 local PHCs and presented the findings.
Following decisions were taken -

8.2.1. Varthur PHC to be converted to 100 Bed GH. Proposal from DHO to be sent to DD – Health & FW (P)

8.2.2.  Appoint a Taluk HO for Bangalore East. Currently BLR South looks after this function.

8.2.3. Convert Kadugodi PHC to a model PHC. Dr. Satish and government officials to submit the requirements.

8.2.4. SAHYOG to facilitate a PPP model as per AAROGYABANDHU guidelines for Ambulances, Lab facilities, IT Resources & Continuous Medical Education (CME) in collaboration with corporate hospitals.


9.     Culture & Sports

9.1.   Public Library
30 Gunta land in Tubrahalli to be transferred to BBMP by revenue department. BBMP to develop a  Public Library with digital Library facility in a PPP model.

9.2.   Rangamandira (Cultural Center)
Land in Nellurahalli to be handed over to BBMP which will develop Rangamandira on a PPP model.

9.3.   Sports Complex
Sufficient land and has been identified near Gunjur for the project.
Youth & Sports department has kindly agreed to set-up a sports complex with required facilities.
RKM to talk to Venkatesh Prasad & other eminent sports personalities to head the coordination committee.


10.  Building set-backs & On-road Parking – "NO PROGRESS REPORT"

10.1.BBMP town planning department to survey buildings in Kundalahalli, Brookfield, Whitefield, Tubrahalli, Ramagondanhalli and ascertain compliance to set-back and parking guidelines

10.2.Traffic police to carry out a NO Parking drive. Parking on major roads

11.  Items to be discussed with the Government (To be taken up by Hon. Minister)

11.1.Metro to be starting from Kadugodi in the 1st phase itself– To discuss with BMRCL

11.2.Elevated roads on ORR from Jayadeva to Hebbal via Marthahalli & KR Puram

11.3.  Elevated Road from Kundalahalli to Trinity Junction and Hebbal

psaram42's picture

Sahyog RK Misra PPP Foundation

192 users have liked.

I rather like RK, as I have no experience of meeting him personally till now. The impression I get is that, he is a bit short tempered and rightly so for him, being a public figure. However being short tempered is more of an impediment which should be got rid of.

I do not think it is marketing or endorsing a view point, Pranav. I was curious to know Misra’s current interest, post lead India contest of TOI. Praja could not but be aware of what SAHAYOG is doing. However, I am not sure whether SAHAYOG (=Co operation) which means participation, should be or is an outlet of activism. It is more like a local Residents Association agenda restricted to a particular area; in this case it happens to be the assembly constituency of MLA Arvind Limbany. Similarly Katta Subramanys constituency was also in the news recently as I remember, for some good work being done.

RK is talking about his model:

“ We feel this model could be replicated and is very efficient model of development where citizens work along with the government for their local area development. Enough checks and balances including third party quality monitoring are also being put in place to ensure quality and reduce corruption. Hearing about this initiative, neighbouring area residents and MLAs have approached us for similar initiative in their areas.”

I think the PRAJA model Know, Care, Participate is good too. Probably we should consider at greater length what RK is saying. Probably we should invite RK to meet up with us? May be at your/my place Pranav?

murali772's picture

start a local bus service

172 users have liked.
Not surprised that there's no progress to report on the BMTC front. Why doesn't SAHYOG consider running a local bus service? The potential is definitely there, and with properly planned services, half the area's traffic problems will get solved automatically. All it now calls for is a collective push. RKM can do it. Muralidhar Rao
Muralidhar Rao
Rithesh's picture

I hope all this translates into some ground work

173 users have liked.
I hope RK will take this to a logical conclusion. I like the fact that deadlines have been included for almost all of the action items. I only hope that these are also followed up. It would be a good idea if they could put up the project plans in the public domain - like for example the KR-Puram to Hope farm road widening and bus bay project plans should be made public. I am sure all of these would have been reviewed by experts but sometimes local people know more about solutions to problems specific to their region. SB - it would be great to have Praja interaction with RK. (Ok - i have personal interests in this area - i work in this region and I just hate traveling on that KR-Puram Hope farm road, it is more worse than a village kacha road.)
ssheragu's picture

Education & Health

171 users have liked.
ssheragu 1. good initiative regarding providing School Rooms & Toilets 2. good initiative regarding setting up of polytechnic and degree colleges; but while stting up these we should not miss out on providing parking space for cars & 2 wheelers; revenue department should identify required lands for these institutions inclusive of parking space 3. very good intiative regarding conversion of PHC to Hospital; but care should be taken to acquire adjacent land for parking space and greenery inside the HOSPITAL / PHC premises; also for a starter an IT company can be entrusted to maintain the cleanliness inside the HOSPITAL / PHC and this can be a model for all other HOSPITALS/ PHC's Srinath Heragu
jpawan23's picture

Service Lanes & Greens

157 users have liked.
I was wondering if anybody has given thought to the absence of a service road for long stretches along the ORR between Marthahalli and KR Puram. The ORR should be greener. I find this stretch disappointingly arid and dusty; tree saplings planted along the stretch would really help. Could this be taken up in your future meetings with the task force.
radwivedi's picture

BBMP - Open Direct road access

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May I request to include below item for discussion in next meeting: Open direct main road access from Haralur Road ( Royal Placid Layout) to DHL Junction in Somsandrapalya along high tension wire thru Shobha Daffodil. Current road access 35ft which goes to Somsandrapalya from Royal Palcid Layout via ND Oliva is very narrow and two school buses are finding difficult to cross each other. On top of it, ND and other builders have covered part of the road by putting their ramps on the road. Can BBMP officials inspect this strecth of road and explore the possibility to open direct road access along high tension wire line thru Shobha Daffodil area?
KiranKumarDas's picture

BBMP - Open Direct road access

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I own an apartment in Sobha Daffodil and waiting to move in for last one year :-(.   I do respect your opinion on the access road. However, just of sharing my view on the same.

I have booked this apartment in Sobha Daffodil (which costed whatever I have earned so far in my life and a major chunk for next 20 years). Hope you would understand the amount of issues we (residents of Daffodil) will face if the property is divided by a busy road in between.....I would request you to think of the scenario, if the same happens (God forbid) to Royal Placid Layout !!
I would propose that we work together with Hon. Minister to ensure resolution of the issue and come out with a win win solution. If someone has encroached the existing road and made it narrow; they should be hold accountable to find a solution (rather than finding some innocent scapegoat).

Hope you would appreciate my concerns. comment guidelines

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