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Parking on ORR Marathahalli - thats the way!

131 users have liked.

Went to Hometown in Marathahalli recently and was pleasantly surprised to see a few things. A tow-truck was removing vehicles parked on Outer Ring Road and service road next to Innovative and Hometown. I also saw traffic cops handing out fines to those who were busy parking under no-parking boards while the tow-truck was doing its job!

Well, BBMP, Traffic Police or whoever is organizing this, good show and thats the way. The only way to deal with careless parking and irresponsible businesses who don't care to provide adequate parking space is to enforce, fine and tow! Once the customers figure its a risk and hassle to visit a particular commercial area, they will stop visiting. That will make shops and businesses fall in line. Simple.

I recall visiting at least two branded retail shops this month itself, where they were using about 10 car-worth of parking space to stock their inventory. They can get away with that because of being situated on wide 4 lane roads - they know customers have access to free parking outside! Forget new age retailers, there are umpteen mom and pop shops that make full use of public space as parking for their customers.

A solution I have for this rapidly growing mess, and a major contributor to traffic congestions is this. Impose parking fines on the nearby businesses as well as drivers. That way both the offending parties learn a lesson. In fact, drivers can be spared. Just make the businesses responsible for upkeep of pavement and road space next to them. In case of any problem there, as in broken or dirty pavements, or illegal parking, fine them and nobody else.

PS: I think BBMP/BCP is getting serious on ORR east loop to to get ready for BIAL traffic.

Photo: Two month old pic showing cars parked on ORR. Couldn't snap the tow-truck, sorry.


thebangalorean's picture

Way to go BTP!

142 users have liked.
Way to go BTP!
thampan's picture

meeting minutes

148 users have liked.
there was a meeting of the police & representatives of shops & office. reps from our campus attended and here are the minutes. According to the High Level committee. The government has given authorization to the traffic police to impose fine on the Vehicles parked on the both side of service & ring roads .If the driver or the owner is not found in the vehicle, those will be toed away to the police station of the jurisdiction. 2. Police will be on cheetah bikes to monitor the same. 3. BDA is coming up with the plan to make the route from Hebbal to Silk board a signal free road. 4. BDA is also building up walls between the both the roads on both sides to minimize the pedestrian crossing to avoid accidents as the ring roads are high speed driving zone 5. The non parking of vehicles on service & ring roads will be implemented from the next week onwards . The Joint commissioner of police has requested all the people to cooperate in this regard. We request you to Inform the Employees, Vendors and your transport persons about the same.
silkboard's picture

It changes things

151 users have liked.
yep thebangalorean, way to go BCP/BTP! And thanks for the information thampan, I sensed something like that would have happened. BTW, I can see that parking enforcements in ORR-Marathahalli area has already changed a few things. 1) Folks chose to drive in to the basement of respective retailer, whereas earlier (lazy race that we are), they would just leave their vehicles on the road and walk in. 2) More than that, some guy who owns some land behind Hometown (I hope he is the owner) is selling parking space now. Rs 20 for 3 hours. Once you promote and set up parking as a "business", the problem will be solved overnight. Why? because it would be in the interest of parking business owners to ensure that vehicles don't make illegal and free use of public spaces. And of course, shop/retail stores too will get serious about providing ample parking space for their customers - free or paid, thats upto them. comment guidelines

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