In this age of the internet and exponential growth of the web, the RTI act 2005 should have been at best, a history by now. It is amazing to read the RTI 2005 document available on the web. It creates posts like Chief Information Commissioner and what not, for providing the so called information. I admit I could not, nor was I interested in reading this kind of document. The way the Sports minister other day commented on the Common wealth games affairs did not go well with the people of the country. He almost ridiculed the RTI act and its effectiveness in speedy information.
Transparency is more important than right to information in Good governance. The financial transactions especially should be completely transparent for each governmental spending. So also all other documents including files need to be on the web for the general public to see. The day to day files can probably move on the net too.
Governance including politics too can be made transparent on the net which can go a long way to curb the corruption monster.
This is how our Chief Minister Sadananda gowdaji defines transperency!!! Smart thinking indeed!