HSRL update attached as a PDF (also available at http://www.idd.kar.nic.in/hsrl.html and http://www.idd.kar.nic.in/docs/Proceedings_of_PRS_IDD_HSRL.pdf). It is commendable that Mr. Madhu (IDD) in the true spirit of transparency is responsible for updating information on a fairly regular basis on the website. Hopefully, other govt. dept.s follow. Samarpana petitioned against the project. Samarpana's objections and Mr. Madhu's responses in brief. Also included are some observations from praja side. Notes have been copy/pasted and may have spelling errors due to incorrect reading of the data.
The decision to undertake the project of High Speed Rail at a completion cost of Rs.5,767 crores is not warranted in view of the fact that aBlDe, a body set up by Govt. of Karnataka, had recommended for airport connectivity on west and east by road and railway access with the existing south western Railway on Bangalore - chickballapur route;
A presentation was done by the Managing Director of the BARL before the aBlDe on details of the High speed Rail Link in September 2009. The aBlDe had not communicated any decision in this regard. The Airport is to develop to have a capacity of 50 million passengers per year. This would mean an average of 1.5 lakh passengers going into and out of the Airport every day.
This would mean that HSRL could carry about 2 lakh passengers per day over a 19-hour period.
Thus, the HSRL would carry only a portion of the visitors, staff and passengers to the Airport city. The balance hips have to be handled by the Road system and commuter Rail system.
The above two mean that the HSRL itself could carry more than the projected number of passengers but would not completely cater to the proposed aerotropolis and related developments mentioned elsewhere.
The advantages of HSR system is that it creates far less carbon foot print compared to the bus system and the running cost of the system per passenger is about 1/6th of that of the road vehicles'on an averaqe.
No question about sustainability; similar to commuter rail. Unknown how the running cost calculation is done as it should include "door-to-door" calculations.
DMRCL.. have not considered the problems that would be faced in taking up civil structures ... as the height of the elevated track will be too high.
Firms / consortiums ..who are already technically qualified; who have the capability of designing such civil structures. This concern of samarpana would be addressed by expert civil engineers who are competent to design such structures.
Very valid response; it wouldn't do for the general public to question technical competencies. Only in case of catastrophe / failure should this come into play.
That the High speed Rail would come in the way of trainee aircrafts that fly at low height at Jakkur;
No response. This probably would be addressed by the chosen consultant. It may be best if the objection is passed on to them so they can coordinate with Jakkur / DGCA.
The acquisition of land that would be acquired for the project from the existing Hebbal lake in excess of 6 acres..
HSRL is marked on the ground and does not touch any portion of Hebbal Lake and in fact would be situated at a minimum distance of 50 meters from the edge of Hebbal Lake.
The proposed HSRL corridor passes through survey numbers other than Hebbal Lake.
The above should be a clear enough indication that the lake wouldn't be disturbed.
..to provide connectivity to BIAL through south western Railway services..
..Govt had announced spending Rs.500 crores for development of local train facility and connectivity to B|AL by rail and bus
However, for the Commuter rail system, the project reports are yet to be prepared and commuter rail systems would be connected to new traffic hubs.
To extend the BBMp area to cover Bangalore International Airport (BlA) area;
Amend the Mysore Tramway Act 1905, as required in respect of determination of fare, safety certification, the items that could be carried by passengers in the HSRL, etc.:
See also response above and also a few paragraphs in the text. Generally, it is easier for the state govt. to go the tramway / HSRL / metro route as the center / railways are not involved. This means theoretically faster decision-making; that remains to be seen. Traditionally, railways have been slow to innovate, respond and projects are mired in central-level politics.
fare that would be charged by the High speed Rail would be too high when compared to the train fair
No response (needed). The private operator will wind up; it is supply vs. demand. The state govt. may "lose" the land allocated, central govt. may lose the viability gap funding. The loss issues need to be addressed; one suggestion mentioned in the comments below.
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Proceedings_of_PRS_IDD_HSRL.pdf | 650.21 KB |
Some comments regarding the
Some comments regarding the updates.
- If the govt. held town-hall style meetings that addressed some of the apprehensions, it would go a long way in cutting down litigations. They already do in some cases; then there should be a rule that if a party did not attend the meeting and/or raise concerns within a deadline date for objections, no litigation by parties not directly affected would be allowed. This should get organizations / people to attend and be more responsible. Govt. officials should widely publicize (pamphlets etc.) especially for the bigger projects.
- In addition to the above, the information should be posted on govt. websites to preempt RTI or court filings. The response to the filings draing precious time away from the project momentum. Transparency is the spirit behind RTI and should be followed to extent possible. Information can be taken off the websites and posted on sites like praja.in for discussion.
- There is no mention of acquiring additional land if needed for a future metro line running parallel to HSRL; if the population along the stretch increases, this is the best time to plan for it.
Some valid concerns and good responses. Interesting to get a glimpse/microcosm of govt. functioning. Hopefully, the court decides quickly and the project moves forward.
Why is that state slow on Commuter Rail all along???
As IDD has to get the HSRL project , but as public we need to look into other aspects how State is going arround beating the bush when it comes to COmmuter Rail.
Same Dept. is harping on permission for Commuter Rail fesibility study from Indian Railways, but when it came to HSRL , they did't take any approval from Railways even though BIAL was outside BBMP area ( Mysore Tramway Act 1905 allows only with in the corporation area ), now whole project is held up as Center is not amending the Metro Railway Construction Act
See the following comments of IDD
1.. Thus, the HSRL would carry only a portion of the visitors, staff and passengers to the Airport city. The balance hips have to be handled by the Road system and commuter Rail system
What is the effort of IDD & State have done to get the Commuter Rail project sanctioned from Center. Amount of interest & effort taken for HSRL is lacking when it comes to Commuter Rail & IDd itself admitting that HSRL will carry only portion of Traffic. That means IDD / State efforts should have been more on Commuter Rail then HSRL. So intentions are very clear why HSRL is pushed & Commuter Rail is neglected by State all along.
2. Why IDD & State are not asking railways to extend the existing SWR Track to BIAL Terminal which could have costed only Rs 100 crore only.
3. VGF of Rs 1100 crore to be provided to Pvt party, this amount alone can solve the Traffic issues of Bangalore for the distance of 280 Kms of SWR Tracks for Commuter Rail if its done.
4. Point No 14 : already Fares have been revised by Rs 50 as per IDD's own admission.So as suggested by 'n', public debate should have been held for the big projects like this as they are meant for public and not to give undue advantge to Private parties.
14. A re-appraisal of the cost has been done by M/s DMRCL and M/s iDecK(lnfrastructure Development corporation (Karnataka) Ltd) and it has been concluded ed that the project would have an IRR of 15.47% if 20% Viability gap funding is given by Govt of India and fares increased by Rs.50/-.
We should not get carried away by IDD response on Lake as Mono Rail has to come from Yesvanthpur to Hebbal & as Traffic will increase due to HSRL Terminal at Hebbal next to Lake, then making more lanes for road near Hebbal Flyover will be required after 2-3 yrs, then fate of l the Hebbal Lake we can imagine