This is regarding one of the complaint I tried with BBMP. The idea was to both address my problem and to observe for the complaint management.
Here is the timeline :
19-Apr-2010 Monday @14:20:02: Filed Complaint via Spandana , BBMP's complaint portal.
19-Apr-2010 @14.20.20 Received Complaint Number and Acknowledgement via SMS
19-Apr-2010 @16.34 I enquired status via SMS
19-Apr-2010 @16.34 Received status via SMS stating complaint has been forwarded to local staff and the ticket was assigned to specific department (Health) and it said "Informed to S.H.I phine number ending with 83956"
20-Apr-2010 @ 10.14 received a call from actual contract worker (Number ending with 87356) for part-1 of complaint. He could not not locate address.
20-Apr-2010 @ 11.00 contract worker arrives
20-Apr-2010 @12.15 part 1 complete. As I was away, he got "completed" signature from neighboring lady and informed me.
21-Apr-2010 @9.09 Received next call from BBMP Contractor Leader(Number ending with 702929). I was away. He informed me he is also unable to locate address. He said he is ready with 8 labors and waiting nearby. I quickly finished work and returned home.
21-Apr-2010 @9.30 I returned and called back. But he said he is away for 30 mins, but I sighted labors waiting for work.
21-Apr-2010 @10.10 BBMP Contractor Leader is back and meets me along with labors. I explain and part-2 work starts.
21-Apr-2010 @11.10 Work in progress. I explained further problems which can not be attended by them, as a courtesy contractor gives me BBMP Engineer responsible. But I leave the place due to urgency.
21-Apr-2010 @12.20 I call contractor and received status update. Seems work is complete except for last finishing work, as it requires some drying.
As a courtesy I have supplied just few biscuit packets in a clean plate. Intentionally I purchased a bottled cold water in front of them and gave them to drink. I see them very happy with cold mineral water and commenting happily in Tamil. I hope I did not set their expectation higher for next time :)
I hope this may help someone as a (good) case. I have not shared complaint number and nature of work. However pictures are attached.
Update :
21-Apr-2010 @15.26 Received a follow-up call from BBMP Jayanagar (landline number 2656-6362)
Note: Posted under eGovernance because of extensive use of portal and mobiles for complaint handling.
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YOU ARE lucky.
My 5 complaints remain unanswered in spite of my repeated SMSs.
What type of complaints?
Pathy sir, could it be that response from them depends on the type of complaint? Possible to share detail of 1 or 2 complaints from your side that have not seen response or action from them?
Also - what is the status of complaint on the website?
Dear Pranav,
The complaints were regarding Garbage, new pavement work on CMH road and HAL II Stage 9th Main and bus shelters.
In the beginning I got response saying 'under consideration'. After that no response to my reminder SMSs.
Will you please let me know the website where I can check the status?
I suspect generic issues not addressed
While they working on my complaint, I was casually chatting with contractor. It seems :
a) They focus on the issue which is affecting specific household and/or individual. In my case, even though just my neighbor also had same requirement and he told on the spot to take it up, they did not turn-up. They indicated another complaint required.
b) Even I tried to show same problem and asked them to attend near a vacant site, but they denied. Meaning scope of complaint is very limited.
c) If a complaint need actions from different departments, it is likely to be delayed, not taken up. For example: if a complaint needs de-silting, garbage collection,DDT spray and pavement covering. It may involve health, garbage collection and engineering departments. As we know it requires co-ordination, so less like to be taken up easily.
These are my assumptions, I do not know, how exactly complain management works within BBMP
Spandana works
This year I tried Spandana again. *Yes* it works. BBMP Bommanahalli team responded to the request, in time. Good work, keep it up