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Should street hawking be banned in bangalore to keep roads and city clean?

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i feel that street hawking should be banned in residental areas.there are boards in many of these areas saying if u dump garbage here fine will be 5000rs but still ppl dump garbage without any what are your suggestions to keep our bangalore clean .we knew bangalore as a garden city plz put in your views to prevent bangalore from becoming garbage city

1>gandhi nagar

2> city market


4>jp nagar





idontspam's picture

Residents choice

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 i feel that street hawking should be banned in residental areas

I feel the residents associations should be involved in making these decisions for their areas along with the BBMP. They could decide to allow hawking over the weekends or between specific times in the evening everyday in designated areas (typically around CA sites). Regardless, any street hawking or flea market needs to be followed up by extra and intensive cleaning efforts by the BBMP. 

In Sanjaynagar for example they have been moved from the street corners where they were causing traffic jams to a vacant site little further away. If they are given a consistent time slot and place, citizens will know which street to avoid driving on at what time and BBMP will know which days they need to put additional manpower and machines to clean.

Neeyathi_hemmige's picture

Should street hawking be banned in bangalore to keep roads and c

187 users have liked.


My views,

Yes it should be banned. But the drive should come every individual and a discipline not to encourage buying from the street hawker should be practised.

Imposing a ban on that or charging a fine will only encourage in politicising the issue. There will be hue and cry and media coverage of actually driving the real purpose of ban will supersede by discouraging the livelihood of poor people and all that. The TV9 channels and local channels, local newspapers will create a hype and the initiative taken will be foiled.

As long as there are buyers, selllers/street hawkers will crop at every corner.. Even in the compound wall of the house:-)

The BBMP will not make it effective, because if the hawkers bribe, they contiune to stay. The drive should come every individual and should be a family discipline. As it is said Charity begins at home. So start from the individual.

Any other views welcome



Live and Let Live

tsubba's picture

one man's menace

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is another man's livelihood.

have some consideration folks. just bcoz  we are not able to systematically manage spaces, why step on somebody else's livelihood?

so what about the boards? boards also say no parking, dont honk, pay taxes, be good to your wife, use condoms, take tablets, go to school, do homework,  etc etc. how many people stick to those?

s_yajaman's picture

Agree tsubba

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IMHO street hawkers are not the prime culprits.  They are the usual excuse trotted out when pavements are not done properly (anyway they will be encroached).

Just call it "al fresco" and conjure up the street cafes of France and Belgium - no real difference.  Both encroach.

Bigger culprits are - construction debris and material, vehicle parking.  I often go early morning to the airport.  There are these two massive trucks unloading motorcycles to a showroom at the corner opposite the old Cauvery theatre on Ramana Maharshi Road.  Just a little ahead you will find taxis and cars parked on the pavement adjacent to a prominent software developer's office. Jayanagar 11th Main - lots of pavement taken by construction debris. 

Start with the bigger fish - nay- sharks.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

Naveen's picture

Hawkers - are a part of any city

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...from London to Shanghai, from Amsterdam to Tokyo - the greatest of cities all have their share of street hawkers. Unfortunately, there will always be some destined to street-side hawking & we cannot wish them away.

It's just that they fit in there easily & are never seen as intrusions or as obstacles due to wide pavements, adequate public spaces, etc. whilst we have scarce or no pavements & no open /public spaces - all have been usurped & taken away for cars & other motor vehicles.

The powers that be are now looking for sacrificial lambs to lay the blame upon instead of admitting that they have botched things up in the first place ! And helpless hawkers are an easy prey to them. Some market street sides must be allocated for hawking instead of filling them up to the edge with motor vehicles.

vinod_shankar's picture

Street vendors deserve designated spots..

171 users have liked.

The Prime Minister has impressed upon the Chief Ministers to take "personal" interest to ensure that the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors 2009 is vigorously and sincerely implemented by the state governments.

The following is the text Prime Minister’s letter to the Chief Ministers:

“As you are aware, Government of India has revised the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors formulated in the year 2004. The revised National Policy on Urban Street Vendors 2009 aims at ensuring that urban street vendors are given due recognition at national, state and local levels to pursue economic activity without harassment and at the same time, locations on which such activity is to be pursued are earmarked in zoning plans.

The revised Policy underscores the need for a legislative framework to enable street vendors to pursue a honest living without harassment from any quarter. Accordingly, a. Model Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Bill, 2009 has also been drafted. The revised Policy and Model Bill have already been forwarded by the Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation to the States/UTs.

I would earnestly seek your personal intervention with regard to the following:

i) Implement the National Policy on Urban Street Vendors 2009 and taking into account the Model Bill take proactive action to enact a legislation to enable street vendors to ply their trade without harassment.

ii) Take steps to restructure Master Planning laws and City/Local Area Plans to make them 'inclusive' and address the requirements of space for street vending as an important urban activity. Suitable spatial planning "norms" for reservation of space for street vendors in accordance with their current population and projected growth may be devised.

iii) Ensure the demarcation of 'Restriction-free Vending Zones', 'Restricted Vending Zones', 'No-vending Zones' and 'Mobile Vending Areas' in every city/town, taking into account the natural propensity of street vendors to locate in certain places at certain times in response to patterns of demand for their goods/services or the formation of "natural markets", traffic congestion and other factors in view.

iv) Take steps for convergent delivery of various Government programmes for the benefit of street vendors such as Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rojgar Yojana, Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme, Skill Development Initiative, Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, National Social Assistance Programme and other welfare schemes.

I hope you will take steps to accord a new deal to the urban street vendors as a group who need space and facilities for their legitimate activities.”


s_yajaman's picture

Street hawkers in Bangkok

177 users have liked.

Sorry to have taken the topic off track - this was not just about encroachment but also of hygiene.

Have been to Bangkok quite often on work.  Street hawking is an accepted part of life there.  It might be that people there are slightly better educated or simply have a bit more civic sense (might not be as "smart" and "clever" as we Indians!) but you will typically find no trash around them.  Why?  Each has a dustbin.  Any water that is used to wash cutlery, etc is sent by a pipe to the gutter.

See something in the bottom left hand corner?  Speaks volumes.

When people from middle class homes here have no qualms in throwing their trash on vacant plots, what can we expect?


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

Neeyathi_hemmige's picture

Hi I agree in many ways

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I agree in many ways Chinese are more disciplined in their conduct  be it a business person or a comman man. I have travelled to China and have been there for some months and I find Chinese are well mannered, disciplined. They have some business ethics, maintain cleanliness, etc.

In India, any thing and everything is a chaltha hai attitude.

As long we change our attitude, incult discipline in our selves, we cannot see any sea-change.

Live and Let Live

blrpraj's picture

:-) people should be banned to keep streets clean

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I think the only way of keeping streets clean in India is perhaps by banning people :-). Anyways, jokes apart, I think street hawking need not be banned but needs to be scientifically planned to ensure free flow of traffic and pedestrians; slots/bays allocated for it with proper dustbins followed by which the entire set of slots/bays must be leased out by the corporation at a very nominal sum (in fact free if possible) to hawkers, who as a group must be given incentives to keep the area clean. Incentives could be in the form of extra bonus money to all the hawkers (just throwing out a wild idea, other suggestions are welcome) from the local corporation/muncipality; another incentive that should be good enough to make them keep the area clean would be threat of cancellation of the lease. This is just one idea I could think of to make the hawkers keep the area clean. How to control the shoppers from dirtying the place...well I have no clue how to ensure that!!!

Coming up with a plethora of such ideas is the easy part, putting any system in action and making people follow the system is the challenge. The corporation could be roped in but, guess what, we will have to deal with the usual corruption.

Some of the property tax collected from properties in the neighbourhood could be used as funds if any developmental work needs to be done for providing these hawkers with facilities.

Naveen's picture

Chinese - Much more cultured & duty bound too

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Hawkers are aplenty in the business districts of chinese cities. However, when passing by, one hardly notices them since roads are very wide & there is ample pedestrian areas.

Further, they are much cleaner than our hawkers, as already mentioned above. Even those that are employed as unskilled labor & have very low incomes display far better hygiene & etiquette than our lot.


Another important aspect that is admirable about them is their commitment to duty. A small example - pedestrian sentries posted at signal intersections carry out their jobs so efficiently that things work like clock-work with no intrusions at all, either by traffic or pedestrians. Another example are wardens at Metro stations - ones who monitor people queing up to board a train whilst also ensuring that ample room is allowed for those exiting the trains. Many of these wardens are young women in smart uniforms, with a mic that relays their commands over a PA system around the small area that they are responsible for (around & adjacent a train entry door). These wardens are posted at each train door only during peak /rush hours, & do an admirable job - the queues sometimes are very long, & boarding /alighting still happens in a flash !

I wonder how our culture will respond if such practices were attempted at Metro stations - very likely that we will see the same chaos as on our roads.


idontspam's picture

Value for common good

181 users have liked.

carry out their jobs so efficiently that things work like clock-work 

Some factors

Values: Every person crossing 12th should mandatorily serve in the Armed Forces for a few years. It instills lot of values. The Forces also benefit, so does the country.

Ownership: When people participate in planning and building things for themselves they retain a sense of ownership.

Habits: Then there is the broken window theory. If you leave streets dirty it signals its okay to keep it dirty. If you allow bad behaviour, they become habits.

murali772's picture

Policy not enough, bring in law

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After trying for over a decade to stem the urban chaos resulting from hawkers and pedestrians vying for space on shrinking pavements, the Supreme Court has finally given up and asked the Centre to bring in a law latest by June 30, 2011 to regulate hawking rights.
The SC admitted that it had tried its best and on its directions a National Policy on Urban Street Vendors was framed in 2004. But as the question of regulating conflicting fundamental rights of hawkers and pedestrians was involved, it could be done only through a legislation and not by court directive or government guidelines, said a S C Bench. The Bench asked the New Delhi Municipal Council and Municipal Corporation of Delhi to regulate hawking under present schemes till June 30, 2011 by which time the appropriate government “is to legislate and bring out a law to regulate hawking”.
Tired of dealing with numerous interim applications filed by hawkers complaining about the regulations, the Bench said, “It is difficult for the Supreme Court to tackle this huge problem in the absence of a valid law.”

For the full report in the TOI, click here

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