Hey all,
In bangalore there is a place in the name of seegehalli where we have a shell petrol bunk. In front of that there lies "JANAPRIYA SAI DARSHAN". The association cannot be blamed in these flats because they are worse than the Govt of India (arnt we folks tired of blaming them).
This area falls under an AE named Yogish, I guess Yogish has got his position as what he is thanks to the "DRUNK LINESMEN".
On the 27th of March 2010 3 drunk linesmen come at round 11'o clock (AM) and disconnect my line which is very much in the above said apartment. I confront them and in the best of words request them not to disconnect since I had no idea what the bill was since it had never reached me.
Rs 520 is the bill I was informed which was paid on the spot. The drunk linesmen inspite of paying the amount disconnected the fuse.