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February 2016

PCU for Bangalore? two wheelers?

Its become a norm that traffic is being measured as PCU (passenger car units) on the city streets. However Bangalore stands first in the highest proliferation of two wheelers in the whole country.

This is primarily attributed to the weather which makes it easy to ride a  scooter or a bike almost all through the year.

3rd Railway Terminal at Baiyyappanhalli : 115 Crore required

Development of 3rd Railway Terminal Baiyyappanhalli Details are as below :

Railways, SWR - True Lies!

Excuses, Excuses and more Excuses.

The time has come to call the bluff of railways and south western railways (SWR) on its march of spreading falsehood to deny genuine demands of the Karnataka State. When one look at their claims and check with facts, they stand exposed of nothing but lies. Let us examine few of their recent claims and cross-check them against the facts.

EESL LED bulbs - quality

I am wondering if the quality of the EESL LED bulbs distributed under the Hosa Belaku Yojane meets any well known standards. 

I tried to dig into the specifications but did not find anything. The email response from EESL was evasive.

Is this another scam?

When the government gets into subsidizing something, the taxpayer loses almost always.

IR - no way to treat a commuter

According to information posted by techie Dishendra R Deshmukh on his Facebook page, he was carrying a foldable bicycle when travelling between the two stations on February 9, something he often did. When he reached Cantonment, a woman ticketing officer stopped him and levied a fine of Rs 30 for carrying heavy luggage.

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