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January 2015

Wish list for Railway Budget - 2015-16

Happy new year to all our Praja members and friends. Wishing you all a prosperous and fruitful 2015.

Car Sharing - Is this the way to go?

Self Driving Rental Cars from vendors such as zoomcar as well as Taxis are easily accessible now in Bangalore. To make a city a smart city, these kind of rental cars and rental bicycles plays a major role as stated by the owner of zipcar, who introduced car sharing on hourly basis.

Kere Habba

10 Jan 2015 06:00
10 Jan 2015 18:00

Car Sharing - Is this the way to go?

Self Driving Rental Cars from vendors such as zoomcar as well as Taxis are easily accessible now in Bangalore. To make a city a smart city, these kind of rental cars and rental bicycles plays a major role as stated by the owner of zipcar, who introduced car sharing on hourly basis.

Namma Metro and its ills!

"There is no effort from the government to crack the whip on BMRC, whose bosses haven't made any extra efforts to chase contractors and get work done. For the contractors, Metro work is a learning process.

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