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November 2012

Car parking infrastructure and quality of urban spaces

Even with improving public transportation like the metro, the demand for parking in public places will only increase due to the rapid increase in car numbers. - - - Governments are alive to the problem and have created different business models to build multilevel car parks in public places.

Open house meeting with Sri Prashant Bhushan - 3 PM, Saturday, Nov 17th, 2012

17 Nov 2012 15:00

For over 18 months now, people around the country have been coming together under the aegis of ‘India Against Corruption’ to demand a strong anti-corruption law in the form of a JanLokpal Bill.

Iniquitous CDP, conflicts thereof, and a SDZ (Sustainable Development Zone) plan as a solution

The Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) - 95 marked out large areas around the city as "Green Belt" (check here), along which no development was to be allowed.

Signal free road from Hebbal to BIAL

This post is regarding the long overpass being constructed over the Bellary road. This Overpass is supposed to provide a smooth & non-interrupted drive from the Hebbal Flyover upto/almost the BIAL toll booths.

Book Release "Wisdom of ants A Short History of Economics"

23 Nov 2012 18:00


Speaker :- Shankar Jaganathan

                    author of  "Corporate Disclosures: The Origin of Financial and Business Reporting"

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