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June 2010

Forced into jay-walking

Today, I had this strange experience. I had been invited to this meeting convened by Mr A Ravindra, advisor to the CM on urban issues, at the instance of the Bangalore Environment Trust, on the matter of 'road-widening', at 3.30 PM at the Vikas Soudha (On what transpired at the meeting, I will post separately - nothing too earth-shaking, though).

I reached well ahead of time, parked my car in the paid parking lot in the Cubbon park, near the library, and walked upto the Vikas Soudha main-gate. But, to reach the main gate, I had to cross the busy Vidhan Veedhi. There was a convenient pedestrian crossing, with signal lights, though the zebra markings had mostly got obliterated. The signal was showing red as I reached it, and the law-abiding citizen that I like to be seen to be, I waited for it to turn green, even as many people were crossing all over, darting through the speeding traffic. After some patient waiting, it suddenly occurred to me that a whole new cycle had started, even as the pedestrian signal had remained red right through.

July Bus Day - moved to 7th July

7 Jul 2010

Folks, get ready to take the Bus again!!

July Bus day will NOT be on the 4th of July, since its a Sunday. Instead, it will be on Monday, the 5th of July. 7th July, moved out in light of Bharat Bandh.

This time round, there are two more corridors being added for Bus Day, making it a total of 7 corridors. The list of corridors

  1. Old Madras Road
  2. Old Airport Road
  3. Sarjapura Road/ORR,
  4. Hosur Road
  5. Bannergatta Road
  6. Tumkur Raod
  7. Mysore Road

As usual, don't forget post your experinces here on Praja!!


Rethinking road-widening - Tunnels?

One of the core infrastructural issues we are facing is an inability of our arterial roads and highways to provide rapid cross-town access. Globally, city and highway planners recognize and create different infrastructure for highways and city roads. See Dr. Joglekar’s posts here for a succinct description of this problem plaguing most Indian cities. A simple schematic (full size image here)and an inventory of city highways reveals the problem.

Thru Highways:

  1. NH7 (in blue)
  2. NH4 (in red)

Terminal Highways:

Inputs to proposed Fire Safety Legislation

I'm posting this on behalf of Vivek Reddy of the BJP Legislative cell. Vivek is gathering inputs for a reform to the current Fire-safety laws and their enforcement. He was keen on getting inputs from Praja too. I had referred the following two threads to him.

Further inputs will be appreciated

* Who are the local experts on the area that could contribute to this activity?

* Are you aware of some measures and best-practices adopted successfully in other countries?

* Anyone who has knowledge of the law and can critique the current legislation?


JUSCO & 24x7 Water Supply

There have been discussions here on JUSCO getting the Mysore contract. 24x7 supply has been noted as a major change that this contract will achieve. Now, JUSCO has been managing the water supply in Jamshedpur. Jamshedpur is also known as just "Tata", which is not surprising since the city was founded around the Tata Iron and Steel Works factory there.

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