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June 2010

Unpleasant experience at RTO Koramangla

I sent out the following email to Ashwin Mahesh narrating my experience at the RTO recently. I am pissed about the whole experience. At moments like these it feels awesome to realise that I am a member of Praja:)


Meeting with Adviser to the CM on road-widening issues

The meeting was convened by Dr A Ravindra, advisor to the CM on urban issues, at the instance of the Bangalore Environment Trust (BET), on the matter of 'road-widening', on 23rd June, at the Vikas Soudha. Along with Dr Ravindra was his deputy Dr Ashwin Mahesh. Though the Commissioner had apparently been requested by Dr Ravindra to be present, along with some of his top officials, only a Superintending Engineer turned up, that too some half way through the meeting.

There were about 20 invitees, largely from Civil Society groups, including Capt Prabhala, Mr Govardhan, Mr Nityananda, Mr Devare from BET, Ms Kathyayini Chamaraj from Civic, Dr Harini Nagendra, a Doctor who is spear-heading the 'Sankey road widening opposition' movement, apart from yours truly representing Praja and Koramangala Initiative.

It started with Mr Nityananda of BET making a presentation, making out a case for widening, where need be, in a more tree-friendly way, citing examples of some specific roads.

Using IT methods to control traffic and enforcement of traffic rules

Hi All,

may be its time we used the IT infrastructure and the already available infrastructure to get people learn some traffic rules

My opinion would be to outsource technology, infrastructure and marshaling to high end cameras and monitoring systems to take care of traffic rule violations and imposing of fines and make the process devoid of traffic police interference and in the process take the big burden off the heads of the Traffic police and let them stick to their more important job of managing the traffic  -

using technology would let the TP (traffic police) make a note of repeated offenders and would help in auto collection of fines through third party system,

The above may be well known to all- but the reason to mention it out here is that - it needs to be at least tried out in a pilot way to find its effectivity -

Give prosecution & suo motu powers to Lokayukta - Petition

This petition’s been created to request those concerned to

01) Appoint the Upa Lokayukta at the earliest.

02) Give prosecution and suo motu powers to the Lokayukta.

(If the Lokayukta has suo motu powers, it can speedily take up investigations on its own without waiting for someone to file a complaint.)

03) Dismiss the corrupt government officials from service.

04) Retain Justice Mr. Santosh Hegde after accepting his demands/requests.

Justice Santosh Hedge's requests to the government as soon as he'd taken over as the Lokayukta chief

01) Give power of suspending and revoking suspension of corrupt officials.

02) Amend Section 36 of CrPC to confer police power on the Lokayukta.

03) Give suo motu powers to investigate Class I officials as well as politicians, who come under the Lokayukta purview.


Bus Day Campaign - Need Minds & Hands!!

26 Jun 2010 08:30
26 Jun 2010 10:00

Heres some fun activity followed by lot more fun activity!!

Update: The video campaign is put off for now. A separate notification will be posted on Praja whenever it happens!! The effort to meet and get the buy-in of corporators will go  ahead as planned.

Event 1: Video Campaign

We have to build some short videos as Bus Day online campaign material. The intent is to showcase advantages of taking the bus, in short and crisp videos (may be 10 sec to 1min duration). The 'shoot' is planned for Saturday, 26th June from 8:30am to 10am. We need volunteers to enact in the clips. We need men and women - old, young & middle-aged, able to speak 'minimal' English or Kannada. And yes, ideas and storylines for the videos are also welcome. Hope to see atleast 10 people!!

Venue: Shantinagar Bus Stand (tentative). From there, we may hop on to a 'exclusive' Bus to shoot the videos!!

And yes, We need a good camcoder and a interested/skilled 'video'grapher. Any volunteers?

Event 2: Corporators Campaign!!

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