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February 2010

Liberalize the railways

The Indian railway system continues to be in a crisis since it has kept the winds of liberalization at bay, said Lok Satta Party President Dr Jayaprakash Narayan said here today. When Delhi let go its stranglehold on airports and sea ports and permitted States to promote them, the country has witnessed a dramatic growth in the two sectors.

Commuter / suburban rail - part II

Branching off from "Commuter-rail-will-it-ever-materialize" thread as it got too long. The IDD seems to be moving in the direction of surveying for CRS (item 3, pp. 2).

Point out a Bangalore Lake to CAG - takes just 1 click

See this ( for background. CAG is conducting a study on the subject of Water Pollution. Let us recommend a lake from Bangalore so that CAG can analyze how well the inflow based and lake bed dumping related pollution is managed in our city. This form should help us send a consistent appeal to CAG.

Carlton Fire - What can we learn?

Earthquake in Haiti showed us results of bad construction practices. A 5.1 Richter scale quake is a distinct possibility in Bangalore per this study.

Private buses using BMTC stops for waiting

 While I appreciate government's(NHAI)  efforts to complete the hosur road bus stops, I observed they are not used by BMTC to full extent. I have earlier posted a blog regarding possible root causes.

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