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November 2009

Covering of all Storm water drains at ward 74 Jeevan Bhimanagar, Bengalooru

 All the SWDs at Ward no 74 are being covered fully. The entire cross roads are being provided with Road humps. I believe this is happening in all the other BBMP Wards. I have the following points 

Grade separator projects across 7 arterial corridors

The BBMP’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has approved grade separator projects and road widening across the 12 arterial corridors in Bengaluru. This is part of making these corridors signal-free.

Suggestions to Mr. Sood - via BTP website

Mr. Sood on the Mobilicity event day, had talked a lot about, where you can suggest or complain about the traffic and they get back to on the same.

I thought, let me try my luck through this way and submitted the following. Sharing with Praja folks, and in case Traffic Police admistration looks over this post and can do something relavant.

Report on MOBILICITY unconference

The Transport Policy draft released by the GoK is not exactly very inspiring.


How easily you can go from walking or taking your cycle or car, parking it and switchingto a bus or metro, then catching an auto to your destination, all in single journey and in a reasonably good time, is a measure of the efficiency and efficacy of a transport system.

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