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May 2009

The changing face of Bengalooru lakes over a 9 year period - a study

 The latest version of Google earth has introduced a new feature of viewing the earth at different periods of time, starting with the year 2000. This allows us to see the changes on any part of the earth over a given period of time starting with the year 2000. I had listed in my earlier blog entry about 48 lakes as on May 15, 2009.

Tree cover in Bangalore

I came across an article in 'The Hindu' which mentions that the tree cover of Chennai is 20%. Also, looking online I realised there is good amount of information about cities in the US along the same lines and how it is used - mainly for urban forestry.

Vehicle registration rate dips in Bengaluru


Media has reported that during the last six months number of vehicles being added to the city roads has come down drastically -

RTO - A functional database

This TOI article reports progress in computerization effort

Importance of Lakes in and around Bengalooru for drinking water needs of the city

 The city of Bengalooru had plenty of lakes earlier. Unfortunately due to lack of concern and unabashed greed, a lot of them are extinct now. Lakes are a very important aspect in the over all water management for a city like Bengalooru. (Some rivers were flowing through the city of Bangalore, I believe).

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