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October 2008

Meeting with Mr Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Convener ABIDe

We had requested for a Praja meeting with Mr Rajeev Chandrashekhar, Rajya Sabha MP, and convener of ABIDe. He was kind enough to respond and indicate his willingness to meet. The date isn't set yet, we'd try get his time this weekend or next. Worst case, we have suggested weekday late evening time slot.

Bus Bays - Traffic management is 'space' management

If we really think about it, traffic management boils down to efficient 'space' management. How best do you manage the utilisation of a finite commodity like space on the streets? All measures taken or discussed to de-congest, improve, smoothen traffic by advocating lane discipline, platooning, sync signal lights, parking, foot paths, lesser private vehicles, efficient public transport, car pooling etc boils down to this. MANAGE AVAILABLE ROAD SPACE.

Metro: Line 3??

The metro line from EC to Whitefield has been approved by the state government. Does anyone know what is the alignment of the line? It is still not available at the BMRC site. And the monorail map on BMRC website is most illegible. I would love to see where the new line connects to the planned two line?? -Srivatsava

080 Transform: Contemporary Architecture Event in Bangalore

10 Oct 2008
25 Oct 2008

A contemporary Architecture Exhibition and Event Organised by Incite and Max Muller Bhavan. Its for anyone who wants to know more about architecture in bangalore and where it is going. More Information here..

IRC guidelines on pedestrian facilities - summary

I will split this in to following parts -

  1. Summary of IRC on above topic
  2. What is missing
  3. What we should do to fill in gaps
  4. Action the above by getting local civic body to ratify document Praja creates after step 3
  5. Forward plan


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