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August 2008

How good is your Road Safety Knowledge - Test your self against 170 questions

For some time now I have been working towards making available an Interactive road safety quiz database for Indian road users.  
Here is the entire quiz database of 170 questions available as two interactive quiz e-book's to test your knowledge of road safety related issues. This is a free downloadable resource for all who are preparing to sit the theory driving test as a part of licensing procedure. The latter is rare as most states in India still have not implemented a mandatory theory test for learner drivers. Hope is that Road Traffic Authorities in India use the above as a starting point for implementing a mandatory theory test for all new learner drivers. This resource is also likely to be a perfect way of refreshing the knowledge base of those who have been driving for several years.

Useful resource - Long-Life Concrete Pavements in Europe and Canada

Here is something which may be of interest and use of Praja members who want to look at local standards and compare with Western standards.

Have not seen it in detail, seems useful.



Living example - city infrastructure development

A successful unique story in analysing, planning, developing and executing a city development plan of sorts. This exercise has to be one very good example to come out in the modern times... The Beijing Olympics 2008, and related infrastructure development.

Here is the Beijing Olympic Action Plan.

And to highlight the achievement, here is an extract from Section I.4.

RTI through Consumer Clubs

THE Right to Information Act makes it obligatory on the part of the Government to educate the public about RTI. By this time the Central and State Governments should have published user guides to help citizens use RTI effectively. Now after three years, there is talk of introducing RTI in the school syllabus. For more, click on:

Muralidhar Rao

Bangalore Traffic Woes, avoid ad hoc solutions please!

Bangalore, keeping in pace with other cities in the world, has grown exponentially over the past half a century. The Key question while planning traffic solutions for such a growing city obviously would be “how to account for possible future growth?” Bangalore has a very good example in the Kempe Gouda Towers. Kempe Gouda had in his wisdom estimated the boundaries of Bangalore and built the Towers known after him.

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