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August 2008

Roads, streets, footpaths - design to implementation Resource hub

Hi! Thought we could collect, categorise, print and hand over every resource that details good practice with regards road / pedestrian infrastructure to our authorities. Lets not leave them with any excuse for executing yet annother bad job.

I know we have our IRC stuff floating about, but I find their work somehow falls short (and why wont they let people download stuff - they are limiting their ability of empowering citizens with this crazy policy).

Ejipura Main Road tormented and ready to fall

Its been 3 years since I have been living in Ejipura. The transition I have seen so far of the main road starting from Ejipra Signal ending at Vivek nagar PS, is Terrible... earlier when I used to travel conditions were bad but not worst. As of now, the condition is as follows:

Tatasky - Eng, Hindi, Tamil, ashtay!

Watch tatasky? Sit and watch cartoons with your children. Press green button on the remote. You can now select the audio in your favirote language. This option is not available most of the time. But whenever it is available, Engilsh, Hindi and Tamil, ashtay! No kannada, yaake?

Tatasky doesn't want to do good business in Karnataka?

Tatasky thinks only Tamil speaking population are demanding, baaki janaa not?

Tatasky has competetion from Sun, which is based in Tamilnadu, so care more for Tamil than Kannada, or Malayalam?

Public Transport - Bus service algorithm / checklist

My views on BRT have been known for a while on Praja.

I am not anti or pro any model. I believe a place has a thing and a thing has a place. First we must be able to justify BRTS on basis of need, then it should be implementable on given corridor (just being able to implement without demonstrated need is no good).

Here is an algorithm which I would use -

BATF model - love it, or hate it?

In the midst of reams of paper devoted to potholes and sticky roads (come rains, and newsmedia remembers road quality issues) I caught two tiny paragraphs devoted to things that may deserve Prajagale's attention. Our state government has created a new BATF (remember it?) like body. The "Agenda for Bengaluru Infrastructure Development" team is headed by an Rajya Sabha MP Mr Rajiv Chandrashekhar (Convener), and other members include:

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