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August 2008

Meeting BBMP - updated.

Based on some discussions we have been having here on the subject of planned development, its time to organize a Praja-style meeting with BBMP.

Rohan Kokane makes the limbo skating record

The seven-year-old limbo skater from Belgaum city, Rohan Kokane, has staked claim to world record by comfortably skating under a bar with a clearance height of 6.5” in backward direction and 5.7” in forward direction in an auditorium in the city on Friday.

Rs 8,830 mn - bribe paid by just BPL households last year

The level of corruption is "alarming" in the states of Assam, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, says a new survey based on experience of BPL households in availing various public services last year.

The "India Corruption Study 2007", brought out by NGOs Transparency International India (TII) and Centre for Media Studies (CMS), found that about one-third of Below Poverty Line (BPL) households in the country bribed officials to avail a total of 11 services - from police to PDS.

Us and Them - Metro for free!

Metro work 2

Read in newspapers last week that if things go as being planned Hyderabad will end up getting a 71 km long Metro for free! Actually, not just free, they will end up getting paid some money (Rs 1240 crores, about 10% of the project cost of Rs 12410 crores) by the winning consortium. Read it yourself, this biz-standard article - Hyd to get 71 km Metro for free. Stats to compare from cost angle are - 65 km Delhi Metro comes at Rs 10500 crores, and 42 km Bangalore at Rs 6500 Crores, both are state funded.

What BDA spent on Abide

Mr A pulled out BDA's expense report on Abide (remember this event?). He found that BDA spent Rs.21,86,487 for that full day session at IISc. See a similar news reported about BBMP (Biscuits worth Rs 50000). That small event has allegedly been over-accounted. The same can't be said about Abide event, this is pure information for public consumption.

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