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October 2007

Tyres And Tarmac

Video 6: Tyres And Tarmac (rather than bumber to bumper) One of the common experiences of travelling in India is the bumper to bumper traffic on the roads. This video suggests the need tofollow a different rule - Tyres and Tarmac. The benefits of Tyres and Tarmac rule are also demonstrated.

Low beams or high beams?

Video 14: Low beams or high beams? कौनसे लाईट को कब इस्तमाल करे? One feature of travelling in India at dusk or later is the lack of understanding amongst drivers on when to use the vehicles headlights. Often drivers don't use any lights even when it is dark, on other hand, some use the high beam even in built up urban areas. This short film hopefully will help create awareness amongst drivers. This is vital as correct use of lights can avert accidents.

BMIC: Under The Governor

Kheny Seeks To Meet Governor... Ashok Kheny, managing director of Nandi Infrastructure Corridor Enterprise, has sought an appointment with Governor Rameshwar Thakur. Kheny, who was in the City to attend the exhibition of idols of Jain Thirthankaras told the media that he would be meeting the Governor shortly.

Merging With The Main Road

Video 7: Merging With The Main Road Driving in India is unique in that hardly anyone gives way at junctions. A typical intersection in smaller cities and towns of India is very chaotc. Whether you are in Patna, Agra, Pune or Banglore - hardly anyone follows road rules. This video demonstrates how disciplined driving helps traffic move smoothly and safely.

Parallel parking

Video 15: Parallel parking (reverse parking). Indian drivers often park inappropriately. This may be either due to lack of consideration to others or poor training. Presuming its the latter, this video shows how parallel or reverse parking can be as easy as adding 2 + 2. Simply practice the steps explained on the video.

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