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October 2007

Death on a Train

The train from Mysore towards Bangalore left at 6:45 on 28th October, last Sunday morning, like any other day. Being Sunday, it was less crowded, the passengers comprising mostly middle-aged and elderly and a small group of traders discussing the zooming sensex.After sometime a sense of ennui, sleepiness took over the train amidst vendor’s shout of coffee and tea.

Just before the train reached Mandya, there was some commotion from passengers, 2 bogies away. Soon after, the Ticket collector came enquiring whether there is a doctor in the train to attend to a passenger who had become unconscious.

Drive to BIAL sure to be hell

You can reach any part of India from Bangalore by air in less than three hours. But you’ll need four hours to go to the Devanahalli international airport from Electronic City by road. With 150 days for the opening of the airport, only one national highway takes you there.

ESG - BMIC: It's Out In The Streets Now

On Oct 25, 2007, ESG ran into trouble on the BMIC PRR at the Somapura Junction. From the pictures taken by the ESG members it is clear that Ashok Kheny was there and so was the police. So that was how serious this was. Now there are four versions to this episode, the NICE version, the ESG version, the police version, and the media version.

Even though Ashok Kheny is known for his talks and is known to bowl over listeners, NICE is not exactly known for their openness and this case is no different either. Nothing on their website when I last checked it. There is no direct way of knowning their side of the story. Only media reports. But ESG is quite net savvy and carries a copy of the FIR that Leo Saldhana (co-ordinator, ESG) as filed with the police along with photographs on their website. In addition Arun forwarded me an email from Leo Saldhana(coordinator ESG) that he received.

Biometrics: The future is here ...

... but the past wont let go.

In the land of benaami khatas, multiple registrations, school certificates, drivers licences and other sundry scandals, a government initiative to use biometrics to pin a person to his identity, has stirred the shackles of citizen groups and raises important questions about identity and the sanctity of personal space.

Campaign style in Mysore and Kawasaki

My young friend C K Naveena wonders why candidates need to lavish so much resources on banners and hoardings at election time. “I am sure nobody votes for a person just because they see his cutout and banners in every street corner”, writes Mr Naveena, who edits Mysore Matters, adding, ”political parties need to realize this simple truth”.

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