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June 2007

Site updates

Removed the tag 'English' since the default will be English anyway and having too many tags might not be good.

When posting, Kannada can be selected for the language tag if required.  

Consultants bring rigor to metro

Folks at Metro seem to know what they are doing. Of course their actions in past indicate that, but today they have signed up a group of consultants to help them execute the project better. Here is the news.

Satellite towns

I think these projects aimed at developing satellite and peripheral towns around Bangalore are critical for long term health of the metro region. If done right, these integrated towns (Bidadi, Ramanagaram, Nandagudi) could wean businesses and residents away from central areas of Bangalore. How is that for de-congestion?

Not so Easy-auto?

Easy auto is an intiative from BTRAC to make commuting through auto-rickshaws easier. I really like the motivation behind this and wish that it becomes a success. When successful, we will all be able to get an auto at the ease of pressing a few buttons.

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