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World Usability Day 2008 - Theme: transportation

182 users have liked.
29 Nov 2008
29 Nov 2008

Date: 29th November 2008
Venue: Yahoo Campus, Embassy Golf Links, Inner/Intermediate Ring road, Indiranagar, Bangalore

The event is an opportunity to expose people to Usability and User Centered design, showing its importance in daily life. This years Theme is transportation. This is something very close to Bangalore, and a theme on which debates take place.

At the event the speakers are the COO of BIAL (Discussing the importance of User Centered Design in aviation), the CEO of Reva Automobiles (Talking about the future of electric cars) and Mr.Bala (The urban planner who worked on the Ahmadabad BRTS). We also have a on the spot 1 hour Design Challenge, where there will be teams which will asked to come up with solutions to specific problems. A panel of judges will choose a winner who will be given a handsome prize and his solution showcased around city.

A 1 hour unconference is also happening, where an active member of Praja too will be a presenter.

Also, we have an exhibition. This will showcase ideas and solutions that citizens, active bodies, NGOs and other have come up with for the City. This could be as simple as a campaign to get people to walk, or an alternative bus routing idea for the city. We will design these into panels and put them up at the venue.

More information can be found on the UPA Bangalore site.
I look forward to your registration.


World Usability Day 2008 - Preview


narayan82's picture

Speakers List

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The Speakers have been confirmed:

  1. Marcel Hungerbuehler - COO, Bengaluru International airport, will be making a presnetation on Usability, User Centred Design w.r.t aviation and the airport.
  2. Balakrishnan Balachandran - A well known Urban Planner, will be speaking at the event.
  3. Mr. Chandramouli - President Sales and Marketing, Reva, will be talking about the future of Electric Cars.

To me, these are three very exciting topics. They are a perfect lenght where you will not druft away, and also have opportunites to answer questions.

This is also a great place to interact with other like minded citizens, trying to improve the transport experience of Bangalore.

I look forward to your registerations.

Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
narayan82's picture


119 users have liked.

Sorry to keep interupting the posts with a small request.

Those, of you who plan to attend the event and havent, please do register at

The only reason I am requesting this is because we need numbers for the food and the Design Challenge.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you there.

Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
srkulhalli's picture

Would like to attend

133 users have liked.
Narayan, Saw this a little late. Will make a presentation, and will try to make it - but am not 100 % sure if I will be able to attend. In which case can you or Murali present ?



narayan82's picture


110 users have liked.
Muralisir is already participating. Unfortunately the Registerations for the speakers is closed. I do hope you can make it to the event.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
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