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ABIDE invites volunteers

115 users have liked.
7 Oct 2008 11:43
22 Oct 2008 11:43

ABIDE is calling for volounteers, they can register from site


silkboard's picture

Bengaluru Vedike is the website

122 users have liked.

Wonder why the radio ads say while they have a website called See to get an idea, its sort of backed by BDA/BBMP/KUIDFC/Rites.

I have signed up as Praja, and have also sent an email to Mr Rajeev Chandrashekhar asking if he'll be game for a meeting with Praja members. We'd certainly like to know more about ABIDe and how we can help, wouldn't we!?

silkboard's picture

From Bengaluru Vedike FAQ

117 users have liked.

The most interesting peice from FAQ (

6. There are many associations and forums addressing various issues in the city, how is the Vedike different from them?

  • The Vedike intends to get all serious and credible organizations/associations under one fold so that citizens’ voice is respected
  • The Vedike will be action oriented
  • It will function with transparency and accountability to its stakeholders

Lets go joins seriously, and see how this latest experiment would go.

srkulhalli's picture

Definitely should join

106 users have liked.
Wonder if one of us can represent Praja and funnel all suggestions/ideas in. But we do seem to have a multiplicity of organisations, cityconnect, Janaagraha, Praja, Abide .... any others ?



do-it-yourself's picture

join_abide: problems with site

121 users have liked.
I had applied a few days ago and got a no-delivery report. Also the Male/female check box is stuck on female. I have applied afresh and am keeping my fingers crossed.
murali772's picture

tech problems

129 users have liked.

My mail bounced. Perhaps they could do with help from the PRAJA tech team. Or, better still, they could outsource the entire work to PRAJA.

Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
silkboard's picture

got a call from ABIDe

115 users have liked.

As I said, I had registered on ABIDe (or Rajeev's) site as So today, I got a call back from them, the caller (Venkat) asked for my areas of expertise. I asked for objectives of this volunteering exercise -answer "prepare a 2020 vision document/plan for Bangalore". I have sought a meeting to offer usage of community for online collaboration. Lets see what happens. comment guidelines

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