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Updated: Big10 meeting with Prof Ashwin Mahesh, *time* 2.30 pm

229 users have liked.
21 Mar 2009 14:30
21 Mar 2009 16:00
BusPublic Transport

The interaction session with Prof Ashwin Mahesh, ABIDe member, will essentially be on his team's efforts at innovations in BMTC services, more specifically the "Ho-Ho, and Big-10" services.

Date: Saturday, the 21st March;
Time: 2.30 PM;
Venue: CPP lecture hall, IIM (facing the reception, turn right, and walk down a slightly crooked corridor till you see Coffee Day on your right; turn left here, and up a few steps, and you are at the CPP lecture hall), Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore

Since Prof has been interacting with us on a regular basis (check:, and some others), I am not preparing a list of points specifically. He will first make a presentation, and thereafter, we will have the interaction session.

Muralidhar Rao

PS: Please confirm your attendance by leaving a comment here. The hall can easily take 20-25 folks.


s_yajaman's picture

Thanks Murali-sir

207 users have liked.


Thanks for setting this up.  I think we should have some ground rules for this meeting.  (He really does not have to do this and the least we can do is respect his time and willingness to interact.  Does not mean we have to agree with everything or nod our heads :) but we need to be civil about our disagreements.)

a. Tone has to be to first understand what Prof. Mahesh as to say without interrupting or attacking his position. 

b. No attacking him or ABIDE.  Some of us may not like extra constitutional authorities like ABIDE.  But they are there.  Let's please keep the merits/demerits of ABIDE out of scope.

c. Offer suggestions / constructive criticism without wholesale bashing up of the idea.  Easy to bash up ideas, harder to make them work.

d. Maybe we prepare questions beforehand and go round the table and note them down on a flip chart (if possible) and similarly for suggestions.

Let me know if you agree/disagree


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

rs's picture

Mathematics of Bus journeys.

208 users have liked.

I though this would be of interest to some people. I think some thought needs to be given to positioning of bus stops. I find that in a number of place the traffic congestion could be reduced by a well positioned bus stop. For example, in a few places the bus stop is immediately after a signal - which is a problem as the bus stopping blocks all traffic.





vinod_shankar's picture

Looking forward...

197 users have liked.
I have been keenly following the recent development with HOHO and BIG-10.   I would like to attend this interactive session.

s_yajaman's picture

Am there for the session

190 users have liked.


Please count me in.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

silkboard's picture

I am in too

203 users have liked.

Will be there, looking forward to it!

psaram42's picture

Me too

201 users have liked.

 This will be interesting. Please count me too!

jennypinto's picture

present sir,

194 users have liked.
count me in j
lightness of being
Srivatsava's picture

Count me in...

191 users have liked.

Count me in...
   May I know how the duration is split for the presentation and discussion?

-Srivatsava V

-Srivatsava V

silkboard's picture

Guys, where are you !? Lets meet.

202 users have liked.

Navshot, Rithesh, Vasanth, Naveen, Deepak, Arun, Manjari, Srinidhi, Photoyogi, Suhas and more - hope a good number of BMTC enthusiasts will show up.

Deepak, please bring along the Praja caps. Can distribute them and collect contributions at this meeting itself.

BrianAmmanna's picture

newest member to this group

177 users have liked.
Greeting.. I represent Big 92.7 FM in Bangalore which is the No 1 FM station in the city.
Would like to interact with the Praja team on various civic issues esp transportation which is of high priority currently. Will try my best to participate in this discussion as i'm working on a promotional plan to promote the HOHO and BIG 10 services thru our radio station.

s_yajaman's picture

Can you also promote Sound Horn Not OK?

200 users have liked.

Hi Brian,

Welcome.  Please do join the meeting. 

While you are planning something like this, could you at 92.7 FM run a campaign on Sound Horn Not OK?  Some humour, etc so that people in Bangalore get the idea that horning is not okay unless it is an emergency.





Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

rs's picture

I feel that one issue that

183 users have liked.

I feel that one issue that needs to be addressed is training of BMTC bus drivers. No matter what changes/improvements are made they will have little effect if the drivers dont improve.

One - they have to be made to stop at bus stops and go in to the bus bays if they exist.

Two - they should shut the doors while in motion.

Three - the drivers have to be trained in defensive driving and perhaps to be less aggressive.

I suppose this is in reaction to an incident that happend a couple of days ago. I was crossing Sampige Road on Sunday eveing at a pedestrian crossing. Since this means very little to most drivers I had to force them to stop and did make an auto stop and not run me over. A BMTC bus just continued - even though he clearly saw me - and then proceeded to hit me just to prove a point. Speeds were too slow for there to be any damage but it was clear that the driver felt he had impunity and did not have anything to worry about even if he had killed me. This is quite awful though I would be naive to call it shocking. These issues have to be addressed else  we will descend in to anarchy.




sudheendra.karri's picture

I am listening....

193 users have liked.
Murali sir,

Count me in too...

Naveen's picture

Meeting with Prof.Ashwin

195 users have liked.

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay in posting (I was busy /out of station).

I will attend this meet tomorrow 3 PM at IIM.

manjari's picture

I am in too

183 users have liked.
Count me in too. Will meet you all there!
deepakar's picture


219 users have liked.
I won't be able to make it to the meeting, but I'll send the caps over through Manjari or Shekhar.

Deepak Rajanna

I am in too

213 users have liked.
Count me in too. Will meet you all there!

Srivatsava's picture

Issues I would like to be discussed

199 users have liked.

BMTC/Big10 Specific

1. Big10 routes: Considering todays TOI report that the Big10/KS routes are being reworked, I would expect the feedback from Praja tomorrow would be greatly useful to the BMTC.
      a. I am hoping for integration of Big10 routes to make them ply on two Big10 routes in a single trip.
      b. Extending KS to the complete CBD i.e. including Race course road & Gandhinagar/Majestic  areas, possibly by introducing new lines

2. KS/Big10 Cost:
           Instead of sounding these as elitist service by running them mainly on Volvos, why isnt BMTC considering using Suvarna/Normal buses. Maybe the lower cost can bring in many more people.

3. Integration with private buses/Industrial estates.
           Will the BMTC consider providing shuttle services at the terminating points of Big10 services. For example: Peenya on Tumkur road, EC/Koramangala on Hosur Road, Whitefield belt etc. BMTC/ABIDDE can also discuss with large private companies in these areas (Infy/Wipro/HP in EC, ABB/Wipro/ISRO etc in Peenya) about providing PH shuttle services from Big10 bus stops.

4. Feeder buses in different areas.
          Considering that Big10 are supposed to be trunk routes, ala the Ring road buses (400/500/600 series), why arent there any feeder services to these buses. I would expect that all areas are connected to these services via feeder buses, if there are not any/enough existing buses which can act as feeder service.
           In this regard, Praja can build up a comprehensive list of routes needed as feeder bus, based on their local knowledge. I have worked out many such details for a common feeder service from Avalahalli/Girinagar to both Big10 and ring road. Each Praja can propose routes based on their knowledge of the locality and some common ground rules. If such an effort is made, will the BMTC consider the proposals???

Since Prof Ashwin Mahesh is a Abide member, there are other issues for bus commuters that have to be solved in association with other civic bodies. I am not sure if these can come under the ambit of the meeting.

1. Underpasses connecting to TTMCs.
            On the Double road (KH road), buses from Lalbagh moving towards Richmond road do not enter the Shantinagar bus station. Similarly, buses from RR nagar or kengeri travelling towards Majestic do enter the BMTC bus stand. For these TTMCs to be effective interchanges, we need pedestrian underpasses that connect the TTMC with the bus stop on the other side of the road. This will give not only safe and unrestricted access to the TTMCs, but also provide the semblance of connectivity.

2. Dedicated Bus lanes:
           Why cant dedicated bus lanes be introduced on wide roads like JC road, Residency road, Bellary road  etc which have 3-4 lanes of traffic in one direction. Such a move will help separate the traffic and bring more orderliness to the flow. Imagine the effect of buses not overtaking one another and not cutting from the right most lane to the center lane whenever they come near a bus stop!!

3. Bye-bye to Vestibules:
           What is the rationale in plying the "Janti Vaahana", considering its high turning radius and the dangers it poses during indiscrimate lane changes. Why cant double-deckers be considered as an alternative, atleast on the Big10 roads that may not have wires criss-crossing the road!!

-Srivatsava V

-Srivatsava V

murali772's picture

timing advanced to 2.30 PM

187 users have liked.

Meeting starting time has been advanced to 2.30 PM at the request of the Prof, who has besides to conclude it by 4PM. Request everyone to reach the hall at least 5 minutes before, so that the session can start on time.

For those not familiar with IIM - To reach the CPP hall, after entry at the gate, turn right, proceed about 25M, and turn left to reach the parking lot and reception on the right. After entering the reception hall, turn right, and walk down a slightly crooked corridor till you see Coffee Day on your right; turn left here, and up a few steps, and you are at the CPP lecture hall

Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
ravindrakumard's picture

Would like to add my presences for the meet with Prof.Ashwin

206 users have liked.
Please add my head count as this would be my first meet with the Praja crew and look forward to build an effective society for the Future

Ravindra Kumar
Please add my head count as this would be my first meet with the Praja crew and look forward to build an effective society for the Future
s_yajaman's picture

Please note the time change - now at 2:30

194 users have liked.

All those who have confirmed.  The time of the meeting is now 2:30 p.m.  Please do land up 5 mins before the start.


Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

kbsyed61's picture

Any chance for Online Presence?

205 users have liked.

Murali Sir,

 Since the meeting is being held in IIM, is there a possibility to have the meeting online as well so that ordinary souls like me can join the meeting and listen to what Prof. Mahesh?


idontspam's picture

Vaahana or the chaalaka

174 users have liked.

What is the rationale in plying the "Janti Vaahana", considering its high turning radius and the dangers it poses during indiscrimate lane changes

Indiscriminate lane changes are not a problem with the janti vaahanas. Sticking to bus lane/left lane, stopping close to the kerb, closing the doors appropriately, kneeling the bus correctly to the kerb, turning even in single lane streets are all driver training issues. I hope we can work with the BMTC to see how they are addressing those issues so the bus is not blamed. Janti vahanas apart from increasing carrying capacity also decrease passenger on/off boarding times resulting in better throughput at stops.

At the same time articulated buses cannot be put on all routes, especially ones going into residential areas and multiple narrow turns. There is a place for those buses. They should be used for Big 10 since those ply on arterial streets mostly.

sudheendra.karri's picture

My few cents

204 users have liked.
Integration of BIG10 services with KS Blue and Orange lines. Are we thinking of a model where people would'nt even have to get their personal vehicles.How do we tackle such issues related to connectivity concerns.
The goal is to target the 2 and 4 wheeler population if I am not wrong, and to get them start using these services in lieu of their personal vehicles.

Rationality of routing mechanism used specially for the the Kendriya Sarige Buses.
Could we suggest alternatives routes based on our experiences this far?

Arterial BIG10s running on Suvarna while the fewer Kendriya Sarige buses are Volvos. Why this discrimination..
Would'nt Suvarna buses for both KS and BIG10s get more people in to using them..
Just a thought if people are holding back themselves thinking the KS are as highly priced as their Vajra counterparts.
idontspam's picture

One more cent

203 users have liked.

A comment I found interesting was if a group of 2 or 3 people travelled within the KS route it may work out cheaper to use an auto than if they paid for KS. 

Two types of traffic exists,

1. Who use KS as connector for their Big10/other trips across town.

2. Who use KS like originally intended, to HOHO. Office goers who use it for errands/lunch or the shoppers/pub hoppers around CBD.

The auto fare doesnt affect the 1st type now because they arent using KS as connector instead use the old trimvirate strategy (Shivajinagar, Majestic, Market/Shantinagar).

The 2nd type who use it, mostly travel in small groups and rarely alone. They find it cheaper to go by auto if time based ticketing does not exist. Hop based fare will kill this group as well. These are typically the 2&4 wheeler folks. I hope the time based ticketing is still working or is software killing it still.

Ravi_D's picture

Can't make it...

196 users have liked.
...travelling. Wish you all a good meeting. Will be waiting for meeting notes! Ravi
murali772's picture

sorry, not online today

174 users have liked.


Was out of station - just returned this morning. On checking with Prof Ashwin Mahesh, he tells me he has some limitations presently, and may be, on a future occasion, we can do it.

Muralidhar Rao

Muralidhar Rao
Devesh's picture

I will try to attend. I have

186 users have liked.

I will try to attend. I have been unable to speak with the good Doctor despite many attempts and many industry initiatives are lying pending.

Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD

Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
Ravi_D's picture

Devesh, we are in April already...

184 users have liked.

and the meet happened a month ago (21/March).

Hope you'll see this before you head out!

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