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idontspam » kbsyed61 Yes its on, probably around 6PM IST on Saturday. Sanjeev & myself will call you on skype. 14 years ago A paradise called Bengaluru where everybody can enjoy life and live peacefully. 14 years ago
kbsyed61 » idontspam Is the meeting on Saturday ? Jun 4 is Friday. 14 years ago
kbsyed61 @idontspam Also I have added bulleted items for smart stations. 14 years ago
kbsyed61 @idontspam - Added Route/station Information for YPR to TUMKUR and Ramanagarm. Working on population info. 14 years ago
coolavinas In the traffic on Bangalore roads, there is no rule for hassle free movement of the Ambulances which can lead to the death of the person. 14 years ago
indian http://www.thepetitionsit... - no2 kar preservation of cattle bill 2010 14 years ago
idontspam Productive monday, got more done on CRS wiki than at work 14 years ago
Bheema.Upadhyaya Madiwala underpass work started last week. Scheduled for 3 months starting from 24-May-2010 14 years ago
idontspam » manjari Pl join meeting coming saturday on CRS. RSVP as comment to event posted 14 years ago
idontspam » vinod_shankar Pl join meeting coming saturday. RSVP as comment to event posted 14 years ago
idontspam » Sanjeev Let us meet Saturday to plan the report. Read CRS wiki before hand so we can discuss 14 years ago
idontspam If Wiki is gyan need to list them separately on the front page. maybe below the orange boxes 14 years ago
kbsyed61 @silkboard - IDD report indicates SWR/GOK had budgeted crores for CRS way back in 05-06 itself. 14 years ago
kbsyed61 @silkboard - I am in process of collecting some info on CRS from IDD report. 14 years ago
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