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Should BMIC be transparent and make their plans public?

273 users have liked.
Yes. Atleast, make the two Original Framework Agreements and all the maps public.
77% (72 votes)
No. No need for transparency. Just get the darn thing done.
22% (20 votes)
Yaaawn! I dont care either about the project or transparency.
1% (1 vote)
Total votes: 93


tsubba's picture

for background see.

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sumsri's post on accountability.
silkboard's picture

is it really a poll?

273 users have liked.
Who (from common Praja) would say "no need" or "I don't care". I'll really like to hear from them.
s_yajaman's picture

Need for transparency in any PPP

290 users have liked.

First off - I hope the BMIC peripheral road is completed as quickly as possible and then extended from Peenya to NH-7.  This can reduce a lot of the connectivity noise to BIAL emnating from South Bangalore.

On the main project itself - I think some transparency is most welcome.  There is just too much public land involved in this for an "ignorance is bliss" approach.  The acreage being talked about is in the 20000 range - 8000 hectares - 80 sqkm.  Or about 1/3 km on either side of the expressway.  That is a lot of land.  Were there wetlands involved?

Any PPP should be subject to RTI. 




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tsubba's picture

yaawn! is a valid position.

284 users have liked.
apathy is a valid position. it can be congenital or a developed reaction. both quite natural, quite valid. feel free to reword the poll. but i think, the poll itself is important. with change in government we are at a cusp wrt this project. it is very important to understand this project. it may be too late. but nevertheless, what really works with the project and is wrong about it we need to understand. all sort of thinking and ideas have helped us understand BIAL. i think this is as big a project as BIAL.
tsubba's picture

peenya to NH7

250 users have liked.
peenya to NH7 is not on cards sri. it never was. and with prr north loop on anvil, will prolly never be. perhaps rightly so. they ought to dump the southern half of prr. and invest that energy in something more tangible within all the ring roads we have.
silkboard's picture

its a bigger project

253 users have liked.

Tarle, IMHO its a bigger project than BIAL. Actually, if this project had finished on schedule (I mean, say 5-7 years ago, as was certainly a possibility) I bet BIAL wouldn't have been located where it presently is (loose rant, sorry).

Actually, I agree that "Yawn! I dont care" is a valid position for this poll, because there would be a good number who never wanted this project in the first place. And its important to hear their side.

I have heard the "over-development" theory - there is a double line rail track (in progress), a decent state highway (good road, but only a road - not a seamless connection by any means, expressway is not just a wide road), so why this expressway. But this argument wouldn't have cropped up, neither would there have been a need for upgrade to SH17 if this project (BMIC) finished on time.

We know ESG's line on this. But what I have not heard clearly is alternatives. Will have to scan ESG's site, or meet Mr Leo Saldhana for this, because I am sure they will have a stated position - on whether they have alternative suggestions or do they just want the project to be scrapped.

BTW, I too have complaints against this project. Two of them, first one is the mother of all.

  1. Lack of transparency (both for GoK and NICE)
  2. Why no commensurate investment in public transport. Could have been tied to a high speed freight/rail corridor . Endpoints of expressways could have been terminals for LRT or Modern bys systems (GoK)
Lets see if we can pull of a meeting with Mr Kheny. Not sure if we will learn anything ground breaking there, but will be nice to hear his side. I would like to meet Gowdas too, though we all know what their stand is. The thing is - I suspect that media tends to exaggerate things, and there are probably a lot of "off the record" things in this case.
soorya_kedlaya's picture


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