Mobilicity Meeting updates..quite successful on NMT front!

The press report in DNA does a fairly decent job of talking about the highlights of the program..
IDS made the presentation to Ms Manjula(DULT), Mr Bhaskar Rao, Prof. Ashwin Mahesh, Mr Murali(RACF), Rohan Kini and discussed the various aspects of NMT with focus on cycling in Bangalore context. Some of the action items from the meeting are:
- Revival is on cards for the defunct non-motorised transport (NMT) cell with representation from various organisations. Transport commissioner Bhaskar Rao proposed the name of Manjula as chairperson of the cell.
- Five pilot projects will be prepared in the next six months and implemented by the year-end.
The other salient point from the meet are:
It was shared the major malls in the city have agreed to provide parking space for cycles. Traffic and Transit Management centres (TTMCs) and Metro stations will also be approached to create such parking spaces
In Jayanagar pilot, to be ready in feb 2011, the infrastructure for parking cycles would be created at about 30 locations. Broad lanes could be physically segregated, with 2m being set aside for cyclists. In narrow streets, mixed traffic would be allowed while measures like traffic calming would be taken up.
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San Francisco Bicycle Plan
Hello Fellow Praja-ers(?),
Please find the link below for San Francisco Bicycle Plan for your reference when preparing the NMT document.
I will be happy to assist with any questions regarding it thereafter. Thanks and all the best,
-Albert K
The press report in DNA
The press report in DNA does a fairly decent job of talking about the highlights of the program
I agree, I think it does a good job of summarizing the NMT session. Saved us the job of typing the whole thing up over here :)
3 weeks...
Praja has been asked to come up with a map of cycling routes and create a plan for Bus Priority System in three weeks' time. (from the same report)
See pictures from the event here.
Bengaluru cycling event..
Interesting Bike event for 23rd Jan
Check maadi..join maadi!
why "safety in numbers" fails!
"The Netherlands is generally recognised to be the safest place in the world to cycle. This is often put down to a "safety in numbers" effect, which in part is true, though the infrastructure design is a vital component and shouldn't be overlooked."
"What to do... If you want people who do not cycle to take up cycling, then the right thing to do is to campaign for or design in road conditions which make cycling into an appealing option. That is what the Dutch have done. Everywhere. It is the key to the high cycle usage and high cycle safety figures."
very nice read..and invaluable inputs for the blr scenario..
Jayanagar to pedal away pollution
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The initiative to gradually make the city cycle-friendly received the nod from the transport department as well as the BBMP after a comprehensive three-month survey of the entire Jayanagar area that took into consideration the crucial links, most importantly, schools and playgrounds.
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It good sign for Bnaglore city. Expecting dedicated lanes for cycle in some places of Bangalore soon.
perils of going without cycle lanes - heart attacks
more here
So its mandatory that if we need to make cycling more popular we will need exclusive lanes whereever needed!
Jayanagar cycle tracks - news from BBMP
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more here