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BIAS Routes and Frequency - suggestions

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The BIAS services (Vaayu Vajras) are Bleeding! Only 1 out of every 4 busses on route Nos. 3 & 4 are even close to half full. I have seen a lot of the busses running almost empty. The return journeys seem to be faring better.

The reasons for this could be the following

· Very scattered Frequency (sometimes 1 every hour)

· Busses hardly on time (w.r.t the time displayed on the board)

· Last mile connectivity still a problem (For E.g the Cell Cab from my place takes me to the nearest bus stop – Taj Residency – then scoots and I have to wait till the next bus.

· Bus Stops are uncomfortable to wait in – uneven pavements, security and rain.

I propose a new system under which all these can be tackled.

To start with I have chosen 3 key routes. These routes linked with 335E (as mentioned earlier on Praja) can supply the whole of Bangalore with a good service to the airport. The three routes are listed below.


We currently have 60 busses. Hence each route can have 20 busses. Approximate travel time on each route is 5 hours (return) or 300 mins, hence the frequency would be (300/20) bus every 15 Mins. This is on the higher side, if traffic moved freely and turnaround time is cut it will be about 4.5 Hours return journey = a frequency of approximately 10 mins.

I have then categorized stops into “Key Stops” and “Quick Stops” . A quick stop is like an existing bus stand, where the stop is merely a board and a piece of pavement.

A “Key Stop” must have the following features

· Parking

· Taxi Stands/Auto Stand (Pre-paid booth)

· Food Shops (Optional)

· 24/7 Security

· Electronic Display boards (Yelli iddira?)

· Information Kiosks

I have tried to have the Key Stops at locations which already have these. For Example – Forum mall, Sigma mall, KBS and Malleshwaram 18th Cross. Some need to be only polished and very few have to be built from scratch. Some of these Key Stops can be inside the 5 star Hotels. Anyway hotels in Bangalore plan to do away with Airport Drop Services, this could be a workable alternative.

The feeder service (last mile connectivity) should operate only to and from Key Stops. This way if the taxi gets there about 10 mins before the bus, waiting with luggage is less of an issue.

Lastly, yes – traffic is a constraint. But as 333E demonstrates, if we have sufficient number of busses, then we can still maintain a good frequency.

I do hope BMTC re-looks at its 9 services for BIAL.


silkboard's picture

Yes, BMTC is losing money on these

294 users have liked.

Contacts at BMTC admit that the airport services are running losses, and they are seeking ideas and suggestions to improve usage of Vayu Vajras. Please pour in your constructive  and near to mid-term suggestins here and we will send those to BMTC.

Narayan - I would add synchronizing Vaayu Vajra times with all existing regular BMTC Volve routes. And if BMTC can offer single ticket to the airport (ex for me take 335E to HAL airport, then take BIAS-4 from there, say for Rs 175 or 200, or using 335E to Leela palace and your suggested route #2).

You probably are missing out east/suth easter sub-rubs. Another route from Sarjapur road area or HSR layout area (from silk board?) running via Outer ring Road may add. 

narayan82's picture

Vajra's and Last mile connectivity

300 users have liked.

SB, as you rightly pointed out BIAS has to be synchornized with other volvos. But with the traffic levels, getting a bus to arrive on time is very hard. Hence, instead of synchronizing timings, have a bus every 10 mins! Hence maximum waiting time is 9 mins - can live with that.

As you rightly said about connecting services, and taking it forward - Tickets for BIAS should be available on ANY BMTC bus. Hence from anywhere in Bangalore, in theory, you should be able to get a Vajra/Suvarna/MBS/Normal Bus to the nearest BIAS bus stop and onwards on a single ticket. the same on return journeys.

About areas which aren't covered right now: I tried to have the routes in an way that traffic is least encountered. Hence not too many diversions. This will keep travel time shorter and frequency higher.

This is where I feel the Cell Cabs and SGL come into play. if they can drop you to the nearest "Key Stop" for Rs.100/- and get you a 25% off on the BIAS it can do the job. In fact SGL/Cell Cabs should guarantee that they put you on a BIAS Bus and not vanish after dropping under a signboard! I will never have a bus stop at my doorstep, but for 100 rs I would be happy to engage someone who guarantees me a bus!

As BIAS bus service is increased more routes can be added. Also I have planned the map with my knowledge only. Some statistics on air travellers and where they stay would enhance it lot more. Maybe we need to re-work the routes completely.

Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Rithesh's picture

Create a hub at Hebbal

328 users have liked.

I doubt if it is even half filled. Many times I have seen these buses with just one or two passengers. They should be facing a hemorrhage –

•    A possible solution would be to create a hub near Hebbal (BMTC has a depot just next to the flyover and also below the flyover there is ample vacant land).
•    Have a dedicated bus system between the airport and this hub. Even in the worst case scenario it takes one hour to reach the airport from Hebbal. We could have a bus leaving from each end every 15 mins. For that 8 buses will be needed (+2 as a buffer).
•    Then connect this hub at Hebbal to all places in Bangalore with the remaining 50 Volvo buses along with the other Volvo buses.
•    These Volvo buses need not be dedicated only for airport passengers.
•    Instead it could be integrated with the city transport – basically that implies that anyone can use this (I have tried getting into the Vaju Vajras to travel locally and they just refuse to let in non airport passengers).
•    Even with the current configuration on the Volvo buses (non BIAS buses) there is ample space for luggage at the center of the bus. The luggage carriers on these BIAS buses could be replaced with seats. The conductors of the Volvo buses could be trained to help airport passengers with their luggage.
•    This way the frequency of Volvo buses within the city will also increase and more people will use this facility - reducing losses for BMTC.
•    One of the drawbacks would be - changing buses at Hebbal. But with a well designed bus station this problem can be minimized.
•    Also this “may” lead to more travel time.

cajalal's picture

Increase frequency and ticket charge

287 users have liked.


Synchronizing buses, though a good idea, will not be realizable/implementable given Bangalore traffic conditions. Only way to promote bus usage is to increase frequency and routes. I feel that if there is increased frequency and conveneint routes users wouldn't mind paying more - for example, existing Rs 150 from Whitefield to BIAL is really cheap!

If one has to change buses in between - especially if one has more than one luggage/bag as generally the case with international travellers - it may not go well with many users.

If BMTC can sustain BIAS (with return trips fetching good revenue) with some increase in ticket charges, it will be great.


narayan82's picture


316 users have liked.
I agree on your point of having a CAT (Common Access Terminal.) But, I feel Hebbal is far too far. Also we dont have enough number of busses to cater to all routes from hebbal. Hence I feel 3 routes (2 of them pass Via Hebbal) is more feasable. Also the Busses must allow for Intra City Travel. Right now non airport passengers are either not allowed or charged the full fare. Interestingly: A CELL/SGL Cab + Vaayu Vajra -25% of Vaayu Vajra Fare from my house costs Rs.200 (Rs.100 + 130 - 32) If I took a City Cab (Spot Taxi) to hebbal and then vaayu Vajra it will cost me 210/- (Rs.120 + 90). And I will get a buss from hebbal every 10 mins. So to reiterate my point - last mile connectivity is the key. Majority of the passengers will never have a bus stop at thier door step. The hesitancy to go to the bus stop right now lies in the service. If this changes, bus routes can be shorter.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
ssheragu's picture

Suggestion for BMTC / Vayu Vajra to prevent revenue loss

291 users have liked.

one simple suggestion would be to allow good / qulaity electronic advertsiements by Hotels, IT companies, taxi cab companies etc. inside buses, for a fee / payment.

this way the companies  can increase their sales and BMTC can avoid loss and generate profits

Srinath Heragu

ssheragu's picture

Suggestion to silkboard & narayan82 to prevent loss of BMTC

296 users have liked.

This suggestion may be sent to BMTC to prevent their revenue loss due to Vayu Vajra

one simple solution would be to allow good / qulaity electronic advertsiements by Hotels, IT companies, taxi cab companies etc. inside buses, for a fee / payment.

this way the companies  can increase their sales and BMTC can avoid loss and generate profits

if this is a viable suggestion, this suggestion can be sent to BMTC

Srinath Heragu

zenx's picture

BIAS routes info

335 users have liked.

Its heartening to see a lot of folks considering bus travel these days - I guess primarily because  of the BIAL being as far as it is. Hope this starts a habit.

However, I do think a lot of folks "postpone" the take-the-bus decision cause of uncertainty about schedules etc. This might sound like a plug, but this info can be found on the mobile phone now on or by sending a query to 57575665. Queries could be "late night jayanagar bias" or "koramangala afternoon bus to bial", etc. The SMS interface is still being tweaked, but I hope its helpful in more people finding out more about the BIAS service, and taking them more often.

Sameer, Bangalore

- Sameer, Bangalore

narayan82's picture

Re: SSheragu

302 users have liked.
Your point is valid. But if the busses are running empty the advertisors too will pay less. If the busses run full then BMTC can increase its revenue from it. Hence the new routing... I dont feel income generation is going to be a problem if the busses run full. Lots of methods can be raised through adveritisement on the busses, in the busses, behind the seats, and the bus stops...etc. But if the busses bleed, no one will want to advertise inside them.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Rithesh's picture

Re: narayan82

296 users have liked.

The way you have put it, I guess it makes sense not have a hub at Hebbal which is far off from most places in Bengaluru. Point taken.

One suggestion for your model though – the Electronic City and Whitefield area are a bit under represented. You could also propose a route from Airport to Whitefield Area via NH-207 and then further to Electronic City. Not very sure of the passengers originating from these two areas, but it should be significant considering the IT establishments along this route.

Airport – NH207 – Whitefield Area (Hope Farm, ITPB, Mahadevpura, Kundanahalli jn) – Marathahalli – Outer ring road – Srajapur ju – CSB flyover – Hosur Road – Electronic City.

narayan82's picture

Electronic City to Airport

312 users have liked.
In the new proposal, Whitefield is connected to BIAL via the 333E + Route 3 Bus. Electronic City yes is unconnected. I am sure the route to BIAL via Whitefield (ITPL) originating at EC makes sense. But, being a long journey, the no. of busses required on this route is going to be high. If we can match this requirement without compromising on the other route's frequencies it would be ideal. Alternatively there can be a feeder route from Forum Mall to Electronic City. These could be Swaraj Mazda sized busses (A/C).
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
s_yajaman's picture

Routing is a function of demand points

294 users have liked.

I really don't know how much input has gone into the routing in terms of where the demand is. 

BMTC has a limited number of Volvo buses.  It has to deploy them so that most buses run at 75% CU (75% being an arbitrary number).  This will enable sustainability of this operation (commercial objective) and keep cars off the road (social objective)

Given that BMTC has about 40-45 VV buses, it is not feasible to serve every part of the city with a good frequency.

Let us say we have to work with this sort of number - (40-45) for the next 9-12 months.  Let us assume that the average round trip time is about 4 hrs (1.45 journey +15 min break +1.45 hr journey +15 min break).  Let us say that to attract passengers we need to have buses every 30 mins.  That means we need to have 8 buses on every route on the average.  Which means a max of 5 routes for VV vs. current 9 routes.

Which 5 routes?  We need to find starting points that enable non-chaotic operations and have a hinterland for demand.

a. Old Airport (still has parking facilities) seems one option.  It has parking for buses, parking for cars.  It can serve Domlur, Indiranagar, Brooke Fields (?), Ulsoor Lake area, Benson Town, etc.

b. Shantinagar - has good parking facilities, place for people to wait.  It can serve Koramangala, Jayanagar, Basavanagudi, Richmond Town, Shantinagar.  Route will be the current route.

c. City Railway Station - important as a link for tourists who want to do the local circuit.  Route can be Ananda Rao Circle, RC Road and then to Hebbal.  Can also serve Rajaji Nagar, Vijayanagar.

d. E-City - via Silkboard, MG Road vs. Ring Road.  Expect this to go empty from E-city more often than not and price that in.  Routing it via the city will help in loading it along the way.

Bus timings at intermediate stops have to be adhered to, especially during non-peak hours when transit times are shorter.  I think BMTC will have to have different route timings for early morning, late night and different for peak hours.  That way, if I land up in Shantinagar at 5:00 a.m., the bus should not have arrived and left at 4:30 a.m.  It leaves me nowhere.

Reliability is the key.  Demand is there.  I just need to know that when I reach a bus stop, I will get a bus within +/- 5 minutes of the scheduled time.

The Suvarnas can be used as feeder services.  They need to come in 15 mins before the departure of a VV.  Rather than Suvarnas they could use Swaraj Mazdas. 

International traffic might not be a big user of VVs.  People might have more luggage than they would be happy to lug around after getting off the VV.

Understanding user needs is the key.





Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

narayan82's picture


319 users have liked.
I dont think even one every 30 mins will help. I feel we need something like 333E is right now - every 10-15 mins. I used the same calculation as you did to arrive at the No. of routes as 3! They started with 40 busses, but recently about 20 more were added. Hence we have just under 60 busses. hence 3-4 routes can be workable. I see frequency as the key as timings are almost impossible to keep up with because of traffic situations. One apprehension is that there maybe to too many stops. But I dont see every stop being full at all the time. hence Thebus neednt stop at the empty bus stops, hencing on average it will make only 75% of the stops on the route (still keeping the others active). Instead of a Electronic City BIAS service, it would be better to have a service like 333E integrated into the BIAS routes. Hence even non-BIA passengers can use the bus. I will add this to the map.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
ssheragu's picture

reply to narayan82 (regrding revenue generation for BMTC)

278 users have liked.

your observation is right; if there are no passengers, there will not be anyone to pay as there will not be anyone to see the advertisement;

but  a begining can be made and it can be given a try; initially BMTC can offer on reduced rates or on a free basis; once the revenue of the advertisers pick up or after some time of a few months, BMTC can start charging suffficiently to earn revenue

Srinath Heragu

narayan82's picture

RE: Srinath

298 users have liked.
Srinath, I do agree that money needs to be invested in showcasing mediums/platforms to potential advertisors. Also BMTC does make quite a bit of revenue in this form. The Vajras are now plastered with some brand, making them a moving billboard. I agree with this move, and KSRTC too has followed with the Airavats being covered in one way film! However, I have reservations againt have film ads, playing in loops as they really annoy me. A ticker or static display that keeps refreshing without sound is ok! In fact Advertising rights can used as the investment for Public Bus Stops. So a thrid party can build and maintain an ergonomic, clean and convenient bus stop and have exclusive rights to the ads that go up. This way both and benefited.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
ssheragu's picture

revenue generation for BMTC

296 users have liked.


I am once again in full agreement wih you.

As you have rightly stated bus stops can be leased to companies (IT, hotels, cab agencies, etc) for maintenance, cleanliness and advertisements. The money generated out of this can be the profits of BMTC. In fact the bus stop at BIAL and the bus stops on BIAL routes can be leased at a higher rate to companies. I also agree noisy ads can be kept out. Subsequently, if required, these advertisements can find their place inside BMTC (Vayu Vajra) buses.

Now that we have discussed sufficiently on this and that generally praja is in agreement, praja admin can send this suggestion immediately to BMTC for implementation for profit making.

Srinath Heragu

mandayamr's picture

Vayu Vajra is maintaining time...

337 users have liked.

Living in J P Nagar I Phase, I keep an eye out for the BIAS service, and most of the times I see the bus near my home or near RV Dental colleage around 5 to 10 minutes past the hour.  The departure from J P Nagar 6th phase is supposed to be at 55 minutes past the hour or at the hour.  I was joking to my wife the other day that it is almost as though one could set the watch by seeing these buses... that is taking it a bit too far.

Yes, they are bleeding.  Most of the times, the buses have only 2 or maybe 3 passengers... at least in JP Nagar I Phase. 

BMTC seems to have decided that they do not want passengers hopping in and out of the bus at interim locations.  I can understand this logic, if the service was being patronised by a number of airport bound passengers, and passengers hopping in and out is certainly a worry, but why apply this logic to an empty bus?  Why not provide the conductor and the driver some broad guidelines, and the decision-making power on when to take on passengers for shorter distances? 

What broad guidelines? Like - no standing passengers; picking up passengers only at designated points (to ensure timeliness of the service for the airport bound passengers); volvo service ticket pricing, not the vayu vajra pricing. 

narayan82's picture

Midway Journeys

288 users have liked.
BMTC's reason for not allowing non airport passengers is that in case the bus is full a BIAL pax must not be denied a seat! For this I propose the following. The luggage space can be cut down by 75% Just one vertical rack behind the driver will do. The remaining areas can be seating. A NON BIAL passenger must be accoomodated in the front of the bus. If the bus is running empty than at the conductors discretion, the passenger can be accommodated at the back but will have to make way for a BIAL passenger. This way it will serve both.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
narayan82's picture

Has immense potential

292 users have liked.
Please refer to the updated route map at the top of this entry. If we were to combine BIAS with 333E (which is running a very good frequency) then it could work wonders here. Again referring to me earlier post, the bus can be split in Half (maybe a glass partition). The rear half can be BIAL passengers (luggage in front) and the front half could be regular passengers using these busses. henceforth the following journeys will be possible. 1. J.P Nagar/Jaynagar to ITPL (change at Corporation) 2. Mysore Road/Vijaynagar to ITPL (Change at KBS) 3. Bannerghatta Road/Koramangala to ITPL (Change at Leela) 4. Hebbal to ITPL (Change at Corporation) 5. Ring Road to ITPL (Change at Leela) 6. Yelahanka to ITPL (Change at Corporation) 7. And any other intra-city route that falls in the way. This could have HUGE potential for the service.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Devesh's picture

VV Hub Stations

321 users have liked.

I had suggested to BMTC a concept of 3 hub stations that already have the needed infrastructure in terms of building, security, and parking place for taxis / private cars.

KBS/MCTC, Shanthinagar and HAL Airport.

The idea is to increase the frequency to these 3 hubs, and then use feeder services to connect to the various localities using regular Vajra. VV passengers in any case will be expecting to make one change. A hub will be more convenient.

All have very rightly pointed out that mapping of traffic demand is important. Like it or not, bulk of air passengers still generate from the Southern (JP Nagar eastwards) and Eastern part of the city.

One small observation in Narayan's route map. It is very difficult to get a bus from Koramangala to go to Leela and then come back to connect to Indiranagar 100ft road. Some other bus stop will have to be planned. Domlur is also not viable due to the U turns involved on airport road. A stop on the IRR or Indiranagar 100ft road is also not viable for 333E.



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at

Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
silkboard's picture

Few high frequency routes + NH7 congestion charge?

301 users have liked.

Specifics of the routes need stats based detailing. For example - would need another route from west bangalore, or east route can start at HAL, using space there as a mini-hub.

Leave aside the details. The theme of all this is - shorten it from current 9 routes to around 4, thus having few high frequency services (20-25 minutes is good enough). Leave the catchment area funneling job to cabs or shuttles. Single ticket arrangement with cabs (1 ticket to airport from anywhere) will be nice, but not mandatory.

Next, single passenger cabs (folks who didn't take the pain of using the bus) could pay for their ignorance. How about an NH7 congestion charge of say Rs 100 per 'single passenger' cab? One should get a bus every 10 minutes from near Hebbal. If BMTC can build a nice waiting hub in the region, nobody would have the excuse that congestion charge is unfair. Assuming a conservative 500 'single passenger' cabs per day, we are talking 50000 x 30 = 15 lakhs a month. Not a lot, but this could fund pedestrian underpasses for NH7 plus upkeep of BIAS route bus-stands.

narayan82's picture

Good Idea SB

328 users have liked.
Sb, The congestion tax on single occupancy cabs are a great idea. The only question would be on how to mintor it well. Meru and Easy Cabs may conform to it at the time of billing. But then all the private cab operators that are in the parking lot would need some kind of enforcement. Maybe at the exit of the airport, taxis have a special lane which has an attendent monitoring all of them? I think a fourth bus route is required. Old HAL airport via Leela and beyond, will draw this out today.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
narayan82's picture

Re-worked map

318 users have liked.

Devesh, your point about Koramangala and Indira Nagar not being well connected is a valid one. I have re worked the map to allow a 4th Bus route from HAL airport and attacking the surrounding Areas. Please see the Image below the route is As follows:

BIAS 4 routes

KGA/Royal Orchid Hotel > Leela Palace > HAL Airport > Jeevan Bhima Nagar > Old Madras Road > K R Puram > Ring Road (I am not sure of locations here) and then to BIAL via Hennur Cros (avoiding more busses on NH7)

Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
silkboard's picture

333E or 335E?

322 users have liked.

Little confused, are you mixing 333E and 335E. 335E is the high frequency and (looks to be) successful Volvo.

Coming to BIAL routes, BMTC should look at BIAL as a TTMC, nothing more. Going back to our concept of fast and limited-stop TTMC to TTMC connectivity, if we follow that approach, airport gets covered. Only thing special would be that buses running to BIAL TTMC would require luggage racks. But rest of the concepts remain the same. 

narayan82's picture

335 it is

331 users have liked.
Yes sorry, its 335E I mean. will change the map.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
narayan82's picture

2 More services

316 users have liked.
Todays TOI notified us that BMTC is adding 5 new Vaayu Vajras on the Padmanabhnagar to BIAL (BIAS - 11) Also, BMTC is adding Vajras on the 12B Route - P'nabgara to KBS. To me this looks like a bad case of planning. P'Nagar to BIAL is a good 2 hours (4 hours return.) with 5 busses the frequence is going to be around 50 mins. I have my doubts if this is enough. Instead I would propose that all the busses be added to 12B and the connecting journey from KBS also be increased. This way more people will be served and the busses will not continue going empty.
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
Vasanth's picture

PBNagar - Constituency of Transport Minister

326 users have liked.

PBNagar - Constituency of R Ashok, transport minister. So is this move!!

narayan82's picture

he could have done better

279 users have liked.
If he sincerly wanted to help his consistenuency nothing wrong with that. But he culd have done a LOT better. I mean, how many of his voters are going to use the VV service? Probably 10-15%! And then what will an hourly bus service provide them with?Hardly anything. Anyway, I guess thats his way or repaying them!
Narayan Gopalan
User Interaction Designer
ashwin's picture

Vaayu Vajra Information Board/Map within the Airport Terminal

310 users have liked.

As you come out from the baggage retrieval area, there are dozens of signs for taxis and hotels etc., but not a single sign within the Airport Terminal telling you about the Volvo bus service.

Ideally, there should be an electronic board indicating the time and route of the next few departures, with perhaps a large image of the very attractive buses as a visual cue . Even better would be to have a manned desk to guide passengers on which bus to take.

At the very least, the large route map that is displayed at the bus shelter should also be there within the terminal to help guide passengers.

These simple step would help boost the usage of the bus service greatly on the airport to city leg.

Devesh's picture

BIAL and BMTC to cooperate and increase Vayu Vajra visibility

318 users have liked.

Sorry to do this, but due to time constraints.

BIAL and BMTC to cooperate and increase Vayu Vajra visibility



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at


Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
tsubba's picture


312 users have liked.
not to worry too much about protocols sir. you've got the idea out and on the lines and informed us that it exists, where it exists. that itself is more than sufficient. thanks. comment guidelines

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