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Ground water scarcity

According to officials from Department of Mines and Geology, the groundwater situation is in a critical condition in Bangalore. The situation has worsened in the last three years. The average annual rainfall in the district is only 600 mm to 700 mm per year. Because of the drought in 2001, 2002 and 2003, groundwater recharge has been very low!! ******This is alarming*******.

I wonder why our government or our educated bangaloreans want to do nothing about it. Yes the government probably has a rule that Rain water harvesting(RWH) facility is compulsory in apartments and so on.... but who is monitoring it????  The apartment I live in does not implement RWH... Its a shame that the governing body is unable to enforce this..

Metro - coverage comparision with some cities

Here is a simple comparison of the coverage various metros in the world provide and where we should be going. It is important to be developing a network that covers more areas and enables last mile connectivity and feeder services to be more effective.

Tried office commute using Big10 - a report

Big10 inside 28.22 am - Wife dropped me at the main road outside our complex, a Big 10 was waiting right then and there. Even better, the driver stopped for me to save me a 50 m walk till the bus stand. Good or bad, I wonder, but I did say thanks to him.

Indian Rly lacks proper sanitation: PAC report

Rodents in coaches, unusable toilets, unclean platforms and trains, no drinking water, poor sanitary conditions and dirty kitchens.

Is a surface LRT system suitable for Bangalore ?

The city is desperately in need of some additional form of mass transport system to feed the Metro. The choice is essentially between Monorail, LRT or BRT. Some of us believe that a surface LRT is suitable for Bangalore, & that it can assist in reducing street congestion.

"Only God can save Bangalore's pedestrians"

So said Dr. Subramanya sometime in Dec 2007.  It seems that pavements are optional in Bangalore.  BBMP can spend 100s of crores on tarring roads, acquiring land for useless road widening (check out the stretch just after Domlur leading to Command Hospital), building flyovers with signals on top of them, etc etc, but has little money to spend on building and maintaining pavements.

Hi-Speed Rail - A ReThink

Hi Folks,

It does seem a hugely expensive exercise that would cater to perhaps, a few thousand each day. At first look, it does seem a questionable investment decision with dubious rationale - is this really so ?

A few points that may be pondered over ---

KR Puram meeting - pics

7 of us showed up, 6 in one batch and 1 on his own (came to know later) for this event. Met Kannan for the first time and speaking to him made it clear that he has given detailed thoughts to possible solutions for this chaos. He will soon be scanning and posting his sketches here.

Bengaluru Mono Rail - proposal details

There is a proposal for runing Mono Rail in Bangalore by SCOMI-Geodesic consortium which is proposed to be awarded using the swiss-challenge method. As per initial high level information sent to Praja the consortium is proposing to build monorail along the three corridors.

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