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Make Independence Day and Republic Day compulsory at Schools and Colleges

Hey Praja's Very happy 63rd Independence Day.

While celebrating the same, i was wondering what is happening to our nation now. We don't see school children dressed up in colors or uniforms going to the school and celebrating the Independence Day / Republic Day, no loud speakers singing patriotic Song.

RTI response from SWR on Commuter Rail

[Posting this on behalf of Ritesh who filed the RTI]

Attached with this blog is the response from SWR to the RTI queries posed on Commuter Rail for Bengaluru. If you have any further questions based on this response, leave them as comments here so we can include them in the next RTI to SWR.

Namma Railu - call to action report authored by members

Friends, here is the Call to Action report on Commuter Rail service for Bengaluru authored by Namma Railu project team members. Report is attached in full, and will be used for discussions at the Namma Railu - Mobilicity event at CiSTUP, IISc (scheduled for Aug 30).

Say NO to Autos / Taxi's on 12 th Aug 2010

Unique campaign is floating around called Meterjam, to teach a lession to the erring Auto's and Taxi's. This campaign already has over 22 k strength from major cities, we find that for fare rise or anyother issues, even a road accident with an auto or taxi all of them gang up and fight with a common man.

Interesting video summarizing pedestrian infrastructure problems in India

I am not sure if this has been posted before on Praja, did some searching and could not find it, hence i am posting it.

I found an interesting video on the problems faced by pedestrians in Pune. This is very much applicable to any Indian city. I would rate this as one of the best (& captivating) short movies/documentaries I have seen in my entire life.

BDA dear, where is all the GIS/map data on Bangalore?

It is frustrating, as well as shameful. For any thinking, planning, discussions, whether for us citizens, or the government, one basic thing needed in public domain is a map. Not talking a simple map, but something that shows boundaries and jurisdictions of local govenrments, and also its assets (fire stations, water pumping stations, police stations, roads, rails, parks, lakes etc etc).

Urban Commute Vehicles

 People of Bangalore have variety of ways to commute. Few take the  buses,  few drive bikes, few drive automatic scooters, few drive small cars, few drive MUVs,SUVs ,few drive large cars, few drive bicycles, few take autos and last but not the least very few walk. Everyone has their own justification for what mode of transport they are using.

Cleanliness at market place - Why are we so indifferent?

Cleanliness - That seems like an alien word outside our houses. Anything outisde of the four walls of our homes, seems no man's land and no body is responsible for anything.

Cops make Banaswadi ROB commute hassle Free!

Thanks to the Bengaluru Traffic Police cops head constable V Lokesh, sub-inspector L Sreekantaiah and assistant sub-inspector H Nanjudaiah,

A case for better Road surfaces and volume

 Four companies viz ACC , India cements, Ital Cementi (Zuary) and. Ultratech cement Ltd.

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