Refer the news in papers today - "BBMP has warned residential and commercial complexes that don't allow visitor parking inside their premises. As per the byelaw, they must reserve 10% of the parking space for visitors".
Now, see this development along with an interesting news reported this week (source biz-standard): "MP Govt has created Urban Transport Authority which will make local bodies and traffic police work together ... fine collected ... will be used to raise funds for better traffic management, more parking space ... so far, the police used to deposit fines in state treasury".
I am starting a new thread for posting variuos help line info and guide info for benefits of BIAL airport users and passengers. Please restrict the posting to Information only.
In the midst of high profile issues and subjects, it seems we as Bangaloreans and Indians in general have neglected the Primary and secondary level education. When I say education, it has to be affordable to 80-90% of the population. Not just 10%-20%.
Malleswaram residents had welcome
blessings from the gods today. No, I am not writing just about the a
mild drizzle to cool down the city that we had today evening, but
also about the “blessings” we received when the underpass long
over due today opened for traffic.