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Empower CAG like Lok Ayukta with judicial powers to prosecute erring officials

Many Government servants/officers are involved in some scam or the other - if proper examination and inquiries of Audit Paras are conducted and action taken to launch prosecution/criminal cases, without fear or favor, many may loose their jobs.  But....? 

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board

 Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board


Doctors, public, BBMP, out of step as viral fevers rage

As Bangaloreans are down with chikungunya and dengue, BBMP officials, private hospitals and citizens blame each other for the mosquito menace.

Together, we can, we will reduce the traffic Jams in bangalore, Its possible.

I am writing this post as to give my research on the causes of traffic jam in bangalore roads and then a few suggestions on how to improve it and at last, your suggestions/feedback/support/help on

Learnings from Delhi's power supply privatisation

DELHI has never been inviting in May and June. This summer, the capital saw its worst power crisis, and frayed tempers pushed Sheila Dikshit’s government on the back foot.

Harassed by Automen- excess fare? tampered meter? Official Help is at hand !

Transport authorities and Legal Metrology Departments have provided the following email IDs for lodging complaints on harassing auto drivers.  

Will banning of Autos from CBD ease traffic chaos ?

58% (46 votes)
33% (26 votes)
Can't say
10% (8 votes)
Total votes: 80

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