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RAJAs TATAs and what about all the local scams


what if any is the link with the growing corporate style industrialisation and the increasing corruption in the state

how many clearances are now required by the SEZ ( Centre) and Industrial townships and Industrial corridor policies. Sezs were first brought in as a GO in 2000 by NDA govt, 5 yrs later the UPA passed the law. in 2009 the SEZ policy was issued by the state

Chaos in Major Bus Stops

BusPublic Transport

 Major Junction Bus Stops like Corporation (Hudson Circle), Richmond Circle, Banashankari, Marathalli, Jayadeva are fully chaotic. These bus stops handle multiple buses 4-5 at the same time and the bus stops are not designed to handle multiple buses.

An honourable exception


There’s hope still. For citizens who are disgusted with rampant corruption and greed of the powers-that-be, minority welfare and wakfs minister Mumtaz Ali Khan comes across as a surprise.

41 RUB/ROB across Bangalore


A total of 41 RUB/ROB's are being planned to constructed.

Bus Priority - Project updates

BusPublic Transport

Dear project members, make sure you subscribe to this post. We will all share project updates via comments here. Easiest way to subscribe is to leave a comment.

As of mid Nov, where are we?

Domestic Tourism - Bangalore and Karnataka


Domestic tourism is a powerful economic activity. It holds the potential to bridge the urban-rural divide in our state. We live in a very beautiful state, with range of tourism options - leisure, pilgrimage, nature, history or health/medical. Karnataka has a tourism ministry, but its performance and focus on domestic tourism is largely unchecked and not monitored.

Road Cutting - Empower RWAs


In the current system if a person has to dig a road they have to get the permit from BBMP after paying the prescribed fees. The prescribe fees are high  - they are in the range of 1200 to 1500 per meter. For 40 feet road, it will cost as much as 15000 to 18000. Not to mention the additional convenience charges that one might have to pay to get the permit sooner. 

'Honourable' Minister, 'Worshipful' Mayor, and their cronies


“Screening of the movie began on time at 9.45 pm. About 15 minutes later, a huge group of people marched into the Classic Cinema Hall (Screen No 3), talking loudly. Seeing that the movie had already begun, a few from the group went out. Almost immediately, the screening was halted and the lights came on.

Alt Revenue for Lakes in Banglore


There is a lake near Vemagal village of Kolar dist. That is under contract by a local village head.  He breeds catfish, rohu (carp) etc. It’s a beautiful serene place.

Green massacre


Bloodless it will be, but it will make the city bleed in course of time. More than 850 trees on Jayamahal Road will be gone in a month’s time to make way for more vehicles of pollution.

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