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Socio-Economic Challenges of smart cities in India IISc meet


The Seminar was attended by five Praja 1)Venu, 2)PSA, 3)Pathy, 4)Satya and 5)Pranav. A smart Agenda and Speaker Profiles were available along with a nice bag given to each of the delegates.

Most of the talk went overboard for me. The following were exceptions

1.      Mr. Suresh Heblikar,

Hazardous installations

InfrastructurePedestrian Infrastructure

This picture was taken on the footpath opposite Aadishwar showroom on the intermediate ring road (some 50M before the start of the Domlur fly-over ramp - approaching from Koramangala side). While such instances are not isolated across the city, what I found unique about this particular installation was its cross-arm covering almost the entire width of the footpath.

Autorickshaw - Case for a decent service and good business model!

Public Transport


Mere mention of word 'Auto' starts ringing the bell of many different voice. Don't these voices sound familiar?

Code of conduct for Social Networks



There is nothing wrong in expecting a code of conduct when people talk in public gatherings or express their views on social web sites. There is no doubt about the need for a code of conduct. I think there is one in the Praja site. This site has a set of rules.

no official state flag


Karnataka has no official state flag and the government has no intention of having one. The red and yellow flag that flutters in the state, especially on November 1, the Kannada Rajyotsava day, has no official sanctity.

The Karnataka Right to services act - Event Report


The right to services act has been enacted in some of the Indian States like J&K, Rajasthan and a few others. The main purpose of this proposed act in our state is to hold our government officials including some NGOs accountable in providing various services promptly. The important issues are both time frame and satisfaction of the common man.

Mobility Projects and Citizen engagement - how is it today, and how should it happen?

[Update Dec 16: attaching the presentation prepared through this post]

Keeping bus lane clear - how hard will it be?

BusPublic Transport

Two videos, one from the NYC, US, and another Bangkok, Thailand. East or West, keeping Bus lanes clear isn't that easy. How will we do it in Bangalore? Bus mounted Cameras to take snapshots of moving vehicles ahead, and fine random 10 every day from the pictures taken? Or simple 'heavy fine' warning to induce fear?

Rally on International Anti-Corruption Day - 9th Dec

9 Dec 2011 10:00

UN General Assembly, as mandated through resolution no. 58/4 dated 31st October 2003, has designated December 9th as International Anti-Corruption Day in order to raise awareness against corruption.

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