PPP's of Indian Railways - A Report
Submitted by idontspam on 24 August 2010 - 10:00pm
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Attached is a report on PPP projects of Indian Railways over the years. Thanks to CiSTUP for sharing this with/for Praja with permission from G Raghuram. Please do not redistribute without permission from authors as it may infringe copyrights. It makes a very interesting reading
Let me know what you think, after reading?
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IDS, thanks!
Thanks for sharing this. Will get back after reading thru it.
New policy
Railways new policy on PPP can be read here:
Not relevant to Commuter Rail
Thammu, thanks for sharing. But right on the first page of the new policy, you read this:
Further, focus seems to be new lines only.
For CRS, the core idea is to reuse existing lines. Not sure if augmenting them (extra tracks) will be covered.
Regardless, the section describing SPV model is an interesting read, for this is how a future circular allowing commuter rail SPVs in large cities (that's what we want) could look:
Notice operate and maintain below:
But then it says this to confuse (O&M = operate & maintain) us:
Anyway. Lets wait. We are told things ar emoving favorably at Rail bhavan for commuter rail.
Traffic density on existing lines
Some of the lines touching B'lore are supposed to be having the highest traffic density in Indian Railway. Tumkur line for instance. So utilising the existing tracks for CRS looks doubtful. Hyderabad tried the same approach, but failed. Dedicated corridor is a must, I believe.
Some of the lines touching
Some of the lines touching B'lore are supposed to be having the highest traffic density in Indian Railway. Tumkur line for instance.
What are the number of trains per hour on the Tumkur line?
Hyderabad tried the same approach, but failed.
Which line in hyderabad was tried and failed?
Hyderabad Metro
Hyderabad EMU's are running on the existing line between Hyderabad - Falaknuma - Hi Tech city after electrification. But due to existing traffic, the frequency of the service is not assured. Thereby a commuter is not able to just walk in and catch a local. Thus the traffic projected in the original plan could never be achieved. Bus connectivity (last mile) is also one of the problem here. The traffic has definitely picked up and more rakes are ordered but it is no where near projection.
Hyderabad EMU's are running
Hyderabad EMU's are running on the existing line between Hyderabad - Falaknuma - Hi Tech city after electrification.
If running more than ONE dedicated commuter EMU on existing tracks are considered failure I am all for it. We have requested for skeletal service (means more than one) during peak hours till we get dedicated tracks.
Do you have a numbers to compare this with the Tumkur line? As far as I know atleast 80 dedicated trips are being done on the existing tracks itself in Hyderabad.
Thus the traffic projected in the original plan could never be achieved.
To substantiate this statement, what is the traffic projected in the original plan and what is the current ridership in Hyderabad?
Avoiding passenger traffic
The primary objective of this policy is to retain and increase rail share in freight traffic
I feel like Railway is trying to avoid passenger traffic and concentrate on freight traffic.