Bus Day FAQ

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BusPublic Transport

1. What is this Bus Day?

It is a daylong event promoting ‘Public Transport’ in the city of Bengaluru on February 4th, 2010. It is an event calling all the citizens of Bengaluru to use the ‘Public Transport’ on Feb 4th for all their daily commute in the city.


2. What is so special about bus day?

Bus day is suggested by few enthusiast citizens (members of Praja as well). The idea behind Bus day is to observe the changes which can be brought in the city in following respect · Environment · Traffic Situation · Health of individuals · Perception


3. What we have to do on "Bus day"?

Do not touch your private vehicle for one day. Do not bring them on the roads for one day. Use public transport for one day. Walk a little more one day. Tolerate waiting time for one day.


4. Who all are participating in "Bus Day"?

It is an event for all citizens of Bangalore, corporations existing in Bangalore. In other words all the individuals, companies, govt organizations, auto rickshaws, BMTC, Bangalore police and everyone who lives in Bangalore and feel good about the climate of Bangalore.


5. What is the responsibility of these participants?

Everyone has to either use or help others to use public transport. · As an individual keep you car out of site for one day and go and catch public transport. · Companies to allow employees to take office bus for that day free or nominal cost. · Auto Rickshaws to take fair fare · Traffic police to take care of pedestrians on the day and lot more ways in which one can think of making it successful.


6. How "Bus day" can be a success?

Bus day will be success if we feel that roads are not congested. If we feel air is fresh. If we feel there is no honking. If you can see whole lot is changed around you. If you cannot see the smoke rings around street lights in the night. If we can see winter fog instead of pollution fog which we see every day. In the night sky if you can see the stars clear and bright.

7. What is next after bus day?

Bus day is special day for all the citizens of Bangalore. It is the day for everyone to observe what is good or better happened around him. Every one to plan, to estimate the needs of the people to bring the change for all the days of year. BMTC to observe how many potential people are interested in service and what is their needs? Traffic police to take note that how traffic movements were and are they showing improvement in commuting time? Has the pollution level decreased significantly to help environment?


8. Who will decide success of bus day?

Who all are the judges of event? We, all the citizens of Bangalore, will decide the success. If we feel we had better day than the usual then we will think of having Bus Day every day.


9. What if, if we fail?

There are good chances that BMTC or traffic police may not be able to serve as much as required because of more demand. One will be late for office because bus came late. There can be many reasons to fail on the day but think once again can you cover up for others. Yes, number of buses cannot be increased for one day, but can we take congested bus to make our roads less congested for one day.



Nice FAQ list !

119 users have liked.

Credit for this nice FAQs go to 'bharatm' and his post


-Bus Day-Faq

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In addition to the new comers making some sacrifices, the regular commuters also have to tolerate the extra inconvenience for one day.

K.V Pathy

Well said Pathy Sir!

137 users have liked.
Pathy Sir, Very well said. I can't disagree more with you on this. The regular commuter's help would encourage the non-regular commuters to switch over to bus commute for rest of their life.

Not Feb 2009 but feb 2010. Please correct.

122 users have liked.

The first question has the year as feb 2009 


130 users have liked.


First of all, i would like to thank the initiator of bus day, i appreciate for this great idea.

I am basically from hyderabad, after my marriage i am in banglore. I like the environment of bangalore but seeing the traffic i feel this environment may not be experienced by our future generation.

On basis of this I would like to give one suggestion, if we can make our youngesters keep away from their personal vehicles then aleast to some extent we can reduce the traffic.

1. I mean, parents should not encourage their kids to use there personal vehicles (either 2 or 4 wheeler) up till the age of 18 if possible extened up to 20 years of age. This reduces tention for parents, traffic, accidents and stress. 

2.  If possible, we should try to keep a rule in all schools and colleges not to entertain personal vehicles.

3. Even parents droping their kids in 2 and 4 wheelers. Instead they can use school, college provided transport.

4. Usage of 4 wheeler should be restricted to some extent. If it is to be used by only one person,  instead of car they should prefer public transport.

The above all points should lead to usage of public transport extensively. Also leads to less traffic congetion, accidents, stress  and many more advantages.

But one thing is BMTC should prove that it service is the best in schedule, neatness, coverage to all place etc, then only the public can trust and try to utilize the service.

Hoping for the best and green future.