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Will you take part in an on-street event in support of Commuter Rail?

184 users have liked.
Yes, anyday, lets plan one!
41% (59 votes)
Yes, but prefer weekends
37% (53 votes)
No, but can help with printing banners etc
4% (6 votes)
No, but can help with promotion of the event
6% (9 votes)
Sorry, but I am watching with interest
11% (16 votes)
Total votes: 143


silkboard's picture

Will join

179 users have liked.

And I suggest that a march right next to BMRC offices to get a clear public statement from them should be our first street march for Commuter Rail.

dvsquare's picture

Very much needed

181 users have liked.

This is very much needed thing.

We need to make people aware of the CRS possibility.

We need to make sure all people know about the rail connectivity, and how it can solve their traffic problems and lessen the time-to-commute. And also, why GoK is not doing enough and why.

I have been trying whenever possible to share CRS related updates on the FB so as to reach to many many others.

I think, a few street marches will be very useful and awakening.


silkboard's picture

Need at least 25 yes

172 users have liked.

25 yes, plan for 30% drop outs = ~ 20 people. decent numbers to stand outside BMRC office and raise some banners.

dvsquare's picture

@SB, I have posted on my FB

180 users have liked.


I have posted on my FB wall, so as to let more people aware of it. I have tagged you as well as a few more Praja people there, please cross-post it, and others reading this comment, please like the below link and cross-post, share it, so that more and more people get to know about it.

Benefit will be -

(1) A few people might come and support us in this street march.

(2) Atleast, more and more people will get to know about CRS (Namma Railu).



kbsyed61's picture

Will Support!

181 users have liked.

Count my support. I will have somebody from my family represent me.


kbsyed61's picture

DVsquare, open it for public!

168 users have liked.


Currently FB page is only accessible after login to FB. Make it open for all.

dvsquare's picture

Let it be, it will be

181 users have liked.

Let it be, it will be accessible to FB users, they will (if they want) LIKE it, share it, post on their FB wall so that its visible to more and more people.

Because, anyways, that FB page shares this particular link only, and for non FB users, we anyways have this particular blog page. So, not a problem.



silkboard's picture

More needed

186 users have liked.

Only 10 + 2 hands raised so far. Need more please. We rarely do such things. The timing is right, to go stand at BMRC or at another place we collectively agree (can discuss that later) and raise banners of demand and support for CRS. Please - spread this call out far and wide to anyone you know would be interested in standing up for Commuter Rail Service - the only currently visible and viable way to really de-congest Bangalore in Public Transport oriented way!

sanjayv's picture

A March?

182 users have liked.

Really SB?  You want to do a march or a public protest? My personal take is that marches are really ineffective forms of protests unless you can get something resembling an Anna Hazare type crowd strength or the topic is "sexy", like trees being chopped that garners press attention. I am writing this after the experience of several anti-corruption marches before Anna Hazare burst on the scene.  And those marches had few hundred people and even almost a thousand on one occassion. End of the day, you marched and then went home, not sure what was accomplished.

You have the PRAJA report and the RITES report that essentially supports the PRAJA view point. The approach now must be to disseminate key findings of the report in simple terms to the press. Get some square inches in news print. Could CISTUP organize a press conference on this.  Could we? Reach out through Srinu's Lok Satta group or ask HU to support this.  Heck, this will save more trees than any other approach. This has to be a public demand that comes out as a mighty roar.  The squeak of 20 people on a footpath will be drowned out in the din of the city.

kbsyed61's picture

No one method is good enough!

186 users have liked.


Commuter Rail proposal is a unique one coming not from government but from the people to government. As of today except for few in govt, it doesn't have that much support and interest in higher echelons of govt machinery. Now that a high level cost has been put to it, may be it will generate some interest in govt quarters. That still may not be sufficient. That leaves the job of creating that balance interest to ordinary public like us. Now the question is how do you generate that?

You will agree with me that there is no ONE solution that could serve the purpose. It may require multiple efforts on multiple fronts. I totally agree with you on effectiveness of Dharnas, Marches etc. But still it is not a bad idea provided we go full throttle on all other possible fronts to create publicity and public demand for CRS.

My suggestion would be to let people take up their preferred campaign method and work for it. More avenues, more reach.

I fully endorse the idea of 'Press Meet' along with other efforts. Here are my suggestions:

  • Campaign for petitions to CM, MPs, MLAs
  • Reach out to different political parties in the state
  • Panel Discussions
  • Publicity campaigns at work places
  • Reach out to Educational, Industrial, Real Estate establishments out in the towns like Ramangaram, Hosur, Doddaballpur, Chikballapur for awareness, publicity and demand petitions.
  • Reach out to Industry and Business chambers for their support

Let us not restrict the efforts to one, bring on more.

silkboard's picture

Not a march, Metro focused

178 users have liked.

Sanjay - never a fan of banner holding etc etc. March would be futile. But right now, we have a summary report we prepared, a report from RITES. And Metro is scuttling the effort behind the scenes. 20 of us asking for a public statement from Metro is required to get clarity on their "behind the scene" acts is all I am looking to do.

dvsquare's picture

Created a FB page, will publish it after some more details enter

161 users have liked.


I have created a fb page -

I have made you also as Admin, you can edit the content as you feel.

I have tried to add a few things.

We need to add proper data here, in "about" and "description" field so that whoever clicks on this page through our FB posts, and even if that user wants to leave the page, he/she should get the feel of the CRS, or a brief of what CRS is all about. Those who spend more time, can click on few more links and get more data.

This is good way to make more and more people aware and educate about CRS- Namma Railu.

Others will not be able to access this page, as I haven't published this page yet, once SB also make some changes, and when it looks like a good page, we will publish then, so that we go public with all the relavant data and can attract people's attention and their quench for information about Namma railu.


kbsyed61's picture

52% says yes, you need more?

176 users have liked.


The current count is 52%, i.e. 23 out of 44 votes. Are you looking for more votes?

dvsquare's picture

I have added a poll on FB page as well.

176 users have liked.


I have added poll on "namma railu" FB page also, so as we can spread this to many other folks, and we might attract few more people.


silkboard's picture

thanks all

179 users have liked.

thanks for interest shown everyone. need to sync up with other folks in Namma Railu project team regarding options for on-ground / street event. will revert on this. comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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