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Proposal to reduce petroleum consumption country-wide

Would it make sense for Praja to spearhead a proposal to fix the country's fiscal and current account deficit problems by moving to less fuel-intensive modes of transportation country-wide ? Taken to the central govt., RBI, economic think tanks, etc.

Calling Cyclists!!! Planners cant see you...

Cycle related discussions on BTP TAC committee mailing list... (read bottom up since its an email thread)

From: Sathya Sankaran 

Dear Sir, 

Namma Railu Brochure - Promise of Growth Beyond Bengaluru!

Here is the latest version of Namma Railu / CRS Brochure for distribution at work, Apartments, Public Places, Government Offices, Shopping Areas etc. It will be handy document to carry at events where we might have opportunity to talk to Babus, Politicians. This brochure carries the CRS proposal in very simple language and language that ordinary people can connect with.

Volvo pass rate hike

The volvo pass fare has been increased by 150 Rs and now pass costs 1800 for BMTC ID card holders. The pass price for Govt ID card holders is 1850. The minimum price i.e 10 Rs for two to four stages remains same. Eventhough BMTC has good profits prices are being hiked.

Suggestions to UDD on amendments to KAOA

Got a call from someone in the UDD department inviting suggestions from us on KAOA amendments.  Tjis is a good opportunity to provide the inputs.  However, go alone knows when this will see an outcome.

That is the good news.

Living A Rewarding and Successful Life

Quite often I have been hearing and reading news of people being termed of living a ‘successful life’.. They have been termed successful based on their talent, achievement, popularity and sometimes, public adulation

Life of Piscine Molitor brings an Oscars for the Bangalore boy Vibhish Shivakumar

India is often perceived as a land of magical or spiritual powers. In India the existence of individual spirits as separate from the physical bodies is an accepted belief. Though highly unscientific bereft of any evidence it is deep rooted in the Indian psyche.

No Commuter Rail Proposal from GOK - PMO

"No proposal was received from Government of Karnataka to start the Commuter Rail Service in Bangalore" was the reply from Prime Minister's office to a RTI query.

Mobilicity Event @ CiSTUP, March 6 - Day Plan

Here is an hour by hour plan for the event day (March 6). Please do register here if you want to attend. And more details are on this event post.

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