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The Traffic Quagmire – Using Logic & Rationality the Right Way

Vasanth - your post ‘Using Technology the Right Way’ made good reading.

We can come up with umpteen reasons for the chaos that traffic is, but simply put, there is just one real core issue – the city is trying to cope with traffic loads for which it’s road network certainly was never designed nor envisaged. Despite having lost the battle time & again, all efforts so far have been to satisfy the ‘Car lobbies’, even at the expense of pedestrians, bicyclists & public transport users. Planning & Construction of the Metro rail is the only exception.Plans, policies & procedures that involve a multi-dimensional approach to seek long-term & permanent solutions have never materialized, though efforts have been made.


a thread to track developments with BTRAC.

Think traffic!!! Think solution!!!

Can you point out ten important cause for the traffic congestion in the city? 1. Signal jumping, 2. Short distance signals, 3. Unorganized road signages, 4. Local repair works, 5. Due to officials passing, 6. U turns, 7. narrow roads, 8. Vehicle breakdowns on road & accidents 9. Religious issues, 10.commercial and other Buildings

Cauvery junction underpass - maintenance?

Now that the underpass is ready, its time to maintain it. So BBMP is asking for private parties to undertake maintenance of Cauvery junction underpass on BOT basis (tender here). Private parties keeping the underpass clean and painted etc while they make money displaying advertisements, that is fine. But after reading the document, I was confused as to what is the "build" part of BOT (build, operate transfer) here. I thought the underpass was ready. BBMP has mentioned a penalty clause for delay in construction:

Silent ritual

True, BIA is a very hot topic of the day and we want to endlessly discuss that. But amidst all this there is another silent ritual underway. This is about the trees of Bangalore. [pic: On OMR road next to I.Nagar BDA cplx]

Request you to look around to see the celebrations..its a beautiful treat. It started off with the mellow pinks blooms and now the purples are filling up.

Ugadi, our new year starts when the trees are in full bloom. It is probably this link between people and nature that was identified by our ancestors and it was decided that we have our new year start with natures best time.

I will try to put more pictures here, thanks to the high res cameras on phones now. Request you all to enjoy nature’s generous display and share it too.

Anand Nagar MagicBox

Yesterday while I drove down RT Nagar - Anandnagar I noticed that the service road is almost complete and the magic boxes are in place too. However I did find the boxes much narrow. Does any one have the sketch / model of this junction with dimentions? It looks to me like a bottle neck for Anandnagar residents.

Urban Transport in India : Beyond the Nano and Metro… and back to basics

Bangalore International Centre is happy to announce that it has arranged a Talk on "Urban Transport in India : Beyond the Nano and Metro… and back to the Basics" on Friday, the 14th March, 2008 at 6.30 PM at our Auditorium.

Prof. Madhav Badami, who is a Professor in the School of Urban Planning and McGill School of Environment, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, will deliver the talk on the subject.

BDA Junction

BDA Junction

Marathahalli Bridge - update

Marathahalli bridge update, here it is, as of this morning. The actual bridge seems to be done. They are levelling (rather 'connecting') the road with the bridge, and putting tar on top of the bridge.

Road widening doesnt always help!

There was this article on the web about research done on traffic congestion. It opens up a new perspective about transport.. "..more road capacity will not by itself substantially reduce congestion. Urbanist Anthony Downs once famously stated that travel demand on freeways rises to meet capacity. If new lanes are added, congestion problems might be lessened in the short run. But that reduced congestion will attract drivers who previously used other routes, traveled at different times of the day, used other modes, or drove less or not at all. New roads and lanes do provide additional mobility and other transportation benefits, but increased road capacity provides less congestion relief than one might expect. " comment guidelines

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