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Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP) seems to be doing some good work to put together an integrated traffic management system for our city. We are told that the Traffic Management Center (TMC) is a key peice of this plan. We had requested BTP (Mr Sudhir, PSI, TMC) to help arrange a visit to their upgraded TMC. They will be more than happy to host us and show us around on Saturday Aug 22.
The Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) workshop to discuss the draft guidelines for Parking and Pedestrian Movement has been postponed to Aug 22, Saturday.
Praja-BMTC Meeting: 6 - 7 pm, Friday, 28th August, 2009 at BMTC Office, Double Road, (Over Big Bazaar) Bangalore
Prof. T.V. Ramachandra and colleagues of the Energy and Wetlands research group has published several studies on the wetlands (lakes) of Bangalore.
Event organization by TIE Bangalore:
Looking at the responses and suggestion, we can have the praja meeting at jayanagar TTMC at 10 am. Next month we can have the meet at the metro site @byappanahalli.
Event: Monthly praja meeting -September 2009
Venue: Jayanagar TTMC @ jayanagar 4th block.
Date: 12 September 2009
Time: 10 Am
There is a tentative meeting on how we can arrange a one day event like bus day etc.
We would be meeting on Monday (14th Sept) Koramangala around 6:30 PM. Mithila from BMTC would be joining this meeting as well and will help us in whichever way possible.
All those who would be interested to come please let me know. Once the time and venue is finalized I will inform everyone.