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Two new loops at Silk Board flyover?

241 users have liked.

If you hate blogs and The Hindu for sounding so critical and negative, then you must appreciate the effort "Times Property" supplement makes at providing positive and constructive "news" on infrastructure front. I put news under quotes there because some say advertisers on that supplement ensure a positive picture is painted.

Whatever. Last week's edition carried this news that Central Silk Board (CSB) junction flyover is going to get two loops to make it easy for us to get onto Hosur Road from ORR! IT secretary M N Vidhyashankar is quoted as saying that these two additional loops will make CSB junction signal-free.

Well, thanks for the new loops and much appreciated, but that statement is not true sir, unless you meant something else. 100% elimination of signals there will require two more loops: one each to turn left into ORR from under the flyover.

[Note: That image clipped from ToI epaper]


Visitor's picture

the loop on the left side of

164 users have liked.
the loop on the left side of pic looks ok. But where is the land to build the the loop on the right side of the pic ? I guess that these are not flyovers but loops on the ground.
namma nadu's picture

maybe worthwhile

181 users have liked.
I certainly agree that this was one news that caught my eyes in the newspaper and was pretty interesting. The loop from BTM seems worthwhile but the other from HSR to Madivala seems wasted. Even today, there is hardly any traffic from hsr to madivala -- esp when there are many options to go towards madivala by cutting thru koramangala.
Visitor's picture

checked again

158 users have liked.
but could not find an inch of land near silk board to build the loop on the right
Anand J R's picture

The right loop is flawed

172 users have liked.
The loop on the right side is flawed. There are many issues: - This needs land acquisition from Silkboard itself - A bottle neck will be created as it is at the intersection of people coming in from hosur and need a left turn at silkboard to BTM. Where will they go? Someone needs to educate the planners that it needs to be thought thru completely and not by fixing bugs on the existing flyovers. This is not software my dear friends! Anand
tsubba's picture

Agree With Anand

187 users have liked.

I too checked up the maps, unless the loop is skewed, unless they elongate it, there is no way they can  build that loop without violating non-holonomics.

I am guessing the image is the handy work of some artiste at times. 

silkboard's picture


170 users have liked.
There definitely is no space for that loop there. They will have to some land from CSB. The thing is - we aren't even properly told yet if this is indeed being planned. Forget giving inputs like this is not the best solution. Does anyone know Mr M N Vidhyashankar? Can call him to check and take TOI to task if they misrepresented him. comment guidelines

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