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Praja Q&A with Mr Brunner - postponed

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BIAL had called in today to say that as part of their "100 days" campaign, they want to organize a Q&A session with Praja. We are looking at a 30-45 minute long 1-on-1 meeting with Mr Albert Brunner, the BIAL CEO. They will take 2 to 5 members. The meeting should happen sometime in September (orig date was 30th Aug, now postponed). Interested?

Leave a comment if you want to go. First-come-first-serve is not promised, as we will give priority to long timers (member for more than two months). Besides, we will try give the not-so-vocal yet active folks a chance to do this Q&A for us.

Of course, this will be a Praja style meeting, meaning - questions will be collected via comments here, and you carry those to the meeting. And the interviewers must post their individual accounts after the session.

Not much time, so reply or leave your questions ASAP. Lets not cram questions, leaving 5 minutes per answer, we'd say 6-7 broad questions would be good enough.

[PS: they said only two can go, we asked for 5 which is the number we aim for Praja-style meetings. Confirmation is pending. In any case, two or five, lets pick a balanced set, and not just "anti" or" pro" members]



vikram_huruli's picture

Would love to..

156 users have liked.

Hi Admin,

 I would be happy to be one of the members. This will also help me in my current line of work.



s_yajaman's picture

My comments and questions

166 users have liked.

Am back in Bangalore Fri night from Bom and heading back to Bombay on Monday morning.  Will excuse myself for this as I simply don't feel like another trip to the airport on Saturday morning.

Here is my (2 cents worth) feedback on the airport.  I have used the airport for about 10 return trips since it opened.

Overall I am very happy with the operational aspects of the airport.  Check-in, security are very smooth.  On the return, baggage handling, etc is very quick.  No flight that I have been in has circled the airport waiting for clearances, etc. Buses that ferry passengers, etc seem to behave themselves.  BMTC VV is a real godsend and should be continued. 

For some reason the first lane (meant for MERU taxis) has been closed and now MERU and the other cars share a lane.  This is causing a lot of chaos in that lane with everyone honking their guts out.  I also suggest that they put a speed breaker just before the pedestrian crossings to ensure that vehicles slow down completely.  Too many cars stop on the access roads (leading to NH7) at the sides.  The towing guys need to be more active.  The airport taxis have been involved in far too many accidents and BIAL needs to ensure that MERU and Easy are more responsible.  (They need to insist on speed governors!).


a. What has been the average daily passenger traffic (domestic + international) passing through BIAL from start-up?

b. What operational metrics have they been tracking and how have they done on those?

c. What is their response to the latest reports from AAI (controversial - but I would like to hear their response)?

d. When, based on their data, is the current terminal likely to run out of space?





Drive safe.  It is not just the car maker which can recall its product.

kbsyed61's picture

My list of questions !

160 users have liked.


 I am not sure where do I fit - Balance critic, pro or anti. In any case here is my list of questions:

Current Terminal

1. What are the improvements planned for the existing terminal for providing better passenger amenities? Amenities like more seating arrangments in Checkin area, boarding area, more toilets?

2.  Is there any plans to hire/appoint a public liason representative from BIAL to receive the suggestions, complaints from public/customers and respond back? So far complaint is that BIAL never responds to emails/suggestions.

3.  Are there any new International airlines in line to start the service from Bangalore like Qatar, Saudia, American, Delta etc ?

4. Is there any plans to rewamp the present BIAL website? The present one is very basic and doesn't represent B'lore and itscharcater.

5. Are the cargo area fully built and has all the basic facilities and amenities?

6. Would BIAL be pro-active in making its balance sheets open for public scrutiny?

7. Has BIAL provided all the basic facilities and amenities for all its employees including contractors and employees working in all the stores at airport?

8. Any plans to keep the public and Business circles engaged in future plans and expansions?


  1. What is current status on immediate expansions plan?
  2. What is status on 2nd runway?
  3. When is the status on airport Hotel?
  4. Any plans to partner with railways for ferrying passenger and cargo items from/to the city?
admin's picture

Not this Saturday - postponed

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Got an email from BIAL PR folks saying this Saturday is not possible, we will know of a new date soon.

On the occasion of the landmark 100 days of Bengaluru International Airport on September 1st, 2008, we were looking at setting up an interaction between representatives of and Mr.Albert Brunner, CEO, BIAL. ... we were given to understand Saturday, 30th of August to be an ideal date for the meeting as opposed to Tuesday, 02nd of September. (the original date of interaction proposed by us) ... We regret to inform, Mr.Brunner’s calendar is blocked this Saturday with prior commitments and we would not be able to take this interaction forward. ... We however, are hopeful that members of would continue to evince interest in this interaction which remains tentatively postponed as of now.

I am sure a good # of members are interested in this. Will wait to hear on new dates.

kbsyed61's picture

I have a suggestion - Questions to BIAL !

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Appreciate your efforts to keep BIAL engaged in communication for betterment and improvements.

Since the meeting is slated for about 30-45 minutes, I am not sure how many questions could be answered in that session. I am sure most of us (including me) would like to ask a set of questions. I am sure each question merits an answer. Therefore I would suggest, in the 1-to-1 session we ask a set of questions that would basically give us the BIAL side of the story on current activities in airport and upcoming expansion plans. Also Praja submits a list of written questions (Compiled) to BIAL/Mr. Brunner, which they could send us with their responses later. That way it would be very fruitfull to Praja members as well BIAL.

Everyone would get an oppurtunity to ask questions and probably get an answers to each of the question asked. That way both members who would be going physically as well as those not going would get the equal oppurtunity to ask.



tsubba's picture


158 users have liked.
excellent suggestion syed. the thing is some the folks here have spent serious time thinking about the BIA and really deserve some serious answers. and while we appreciate BIAL's efforts to reach out to an unallied community of observers like ours, we also need geeky and numbered answers.
kbsyed61's picture

Would you take that responsibility for compiling all questions !

186 users have liked.


 Could you pls take that responisbility for compiling all the posted questions as well as any other pertinent and imporatant questions?

 Count me in for any help.


tsubba's picture


155 users have liked.
ok i'll compile
Rithesh's picture

I would love to join

171 users have liked.

I am not sure how much value i will add to this discussion. My worries are mainly how to reach the airport rather than the airport itself. Certainly there are issues with the new airport which i feel can be sorted out much easily than the connectivity issues.

I would love to join in - but i someone more interested in this issue plans to go.. i will be glad to step aside. 

Syed will certainly miss this meeting..


Prajasevaka :)

Ravi_D's picture

I'm interested

180 users have liked.

If in town and not working, I'm ready to go...

Witnessing the intensity of debate over BIAL, other Prajegalu could be more help. So if numbers add up, I'll follow Rithesh.



admin's picture

guys, this is still on, waiting on BIAL for dates.

162 users have liked.
Guess we suddenly have a lot of meetings going on here. Checked with BIAL folks today, and want to confirm that this meeting is very much on. Just that Mr Brunner is traveling, so they have to work on a date for this interaction.
Syed - do you want to start a separate thread to collate all questions? Can do it here as well, but this thread has gone a bit stale now.
kbsyed61's picture

Lets Collect it here......

153 users have liked.
 Lets not start another thread, instead use this thread only. I will start collecting the questions.
kbsyed61's picture

Questions for BIAL / Mr. Brunner !

173 users have liked.
 IA, there would be a meeting session with Mr. Brunner on BIA completing 100 days. This meeting is still on and as the admin mentioned, waiting on BIA to give us the new date.
 Meanwhile please post your questions on this thread . I will be compiling the list of questions and plan is to present this questionaire to Mr. Brunner for possible satisfactory answers.
  This is the time to ask questions and let BIA know the pulse of Bengaluru and its citizens. Don't miss the chance.
 So far only following has envinced interest for the meeting.
kbsyed61's picture

Post your question, Wish list for BIAL !

153 users have liked.
 Hurry up,
 Please start posting your questions, concerns that you would like to put to Mr. Brunner and his team.This is our chance.
 Specially, who frequently use the airport, pls post your observations (things that need to be fixed) and even a wish list that you would like to see at the BIA.
Devesh's picture

BIAL Project Cost and terminal design

178 users have liked.

The amount of UDF using BIAL's project costing would be one question. 675 is too high.

Another would be future terminal design.



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at


Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
kbsyed61's picture

Questions so far - Unedited and uncensored

162 users have liked.
Listed are the questions that I could compile from all posts. Any more star questions?Have not edited/censored anything, if needed will do the clean up.
Note: For covenience, Just add your question to the list and post it.
  1. What has been the average daily passenger traffic (domestic + international) passing through BIAL from start-up?
  2. What operational metrics have they been tracking and how have they done on those?
  3. What is their response to the latest reports from AAI (controversial - but I would like to hear their response)?
  4. When, based on their data, is the current terminal likely to run out of space?
  5. The amount of UDF using BIAL's project costing would be one question. 675 is too high.
  6. Another would be future terminal design.
  7. What are the improvements planned for the existing terminal for providing better passenger amenities? Amenities like more seating arrangments in Checkin area, boarding area, more toilets?

  8. Is there any plans to hire/appoint a public liason representative from BIAL to receive the suggestions, complaints from public/customers and respond back? So far complaint is that BIAL never responds to emails/suggestions.

  9. Are there any new International airlines in line to start the service from Bangalore like Qatar, Saudia, American, Delta etc ?

  10. Is there any plans to rewamp the present BIAL website? The present one is very basic and doesn't represent B'lore and itscharcater.

  11. Are the cargo area fully built and has all the basic facilities and amenities?

  12. Would BIAL be pro-active in making its balance sheets open for public scrutiny?

  13. Has BIAL provided all the basic facilities and amenities for all its employees including contractors and employees working in all the stores at airport?

  14. Any plans to keep the public and Business circles engaged in future plans and expansions?

  15. What is current status on immediate expansions plan?

  16. What is status on 2nd runway?

  17. When is the status on airport Hotel?

  18. Any plans to partner with railways for ferrying passenger and cargo items from/to the city?

jammy97's picture


161 users have liked.

Hi Admin,

Any update on the new dates for the interview. I am sure most of us are waiting to get to hear something about the expansion from Mr Brunner.

Also, a suggestion - Why don't we collect the opinions of most Bangaloreans (either through forums, newspapers, blogs etc or even conduct a survey) about the new airport. Our focus could be what most people would want in the new airport (post expansion and final stage). The details of the survey could be worked out. 

We could then pass it on to BIAL (preferably before the meeting with Mr Brunner).

Any suggestions/comments?



kbsyed61's picture

That's the intent !

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 That is one of the objective that Praja would like to accompalished during that meeting. If you go thru the comments to this posts, you would see that members have posted their questions, suggestions and opinions. May not be covering all, but that's the start. You are more than welcome to post your suggestions/questions on your behalf or others. You are also welcome to collect others opinion and post it here from other sources.



admin's picture

Couldn't do this Saturday, but BIAL is keen

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BIAL got in touch this Friday (Sep 19) noon to arrange for this meeting on Saturday 11 AM. (Sep 20) Notice period was just too short to commit here, so had to turn this time down. Mr Brunner is out of town again I am told, so we should get a chance after 2 weeks or so. They have said they are very keen on this meeting, so be ready. Just an update. Stay tuned.
Devesh's picture

BIAL taxis lane shifted due to security

157 users have liked.

For some reason the first lane (meant for MERU taxis) has been closed and now MERU and the other cars share a lane.  This is causing a lot of chaos in that lane with everyone honking their guts out.  I also suggest that they put a speed breaker just before the pedestrian crossings to ensure that vehicles slow down completely.  Too many cars stop on the access roads (leading to NH7) at the sides.  The towing guys need to be more active.  The airport taxis have been involved in far too many accidents and BIAL needs to ensure that MERU and Easy are more responsible.  (They need to insist on speed governors!).


This has been done due to "security" concerns after all the bombings. As if a moron who wants to blow himself up will not pack just a few more explosives to cover the extra 10 feet.

But then who ever accused the CISF and BCAS of having intelligence.



Devesh R. Agarwal

Visit my aviation blog at


Bangalore Aviation
Enjoy life, destroy FUD
jammy97's picture

Is BIAL still keen?

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Is BIAL still keen on the meeting? Any updates from them? comment guidelines

Posting Guidelines apply for comments as well. No foul language, hate mongering or personal attacks. If criticizing third person or an authority, you must be fact based, as constructive as possible, and use gentle words. Avoid going off-topic no matter how nice your comment is. Moderators reserve the right to either edit or simply delete comments that don't meet these guidelines. If you are nice enough to realize you violated the guidelines, please save Moderators some time by editing and fixing yourself. Thanks!

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