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July 2012

Right to sack a recalcitrant worker

The brutal attacks on senior managers of Maruti-Suzuki's Manesar unit, leaving one of them dead and several others seriously injured, has again brought to the fore the matter of labour law reforms.

Appalling health standards in Bangalore hotels

It is a well known fact in all markets & mandis you will visit that the rotten vegetables they stack on the side are for hotels. 

Commuter Rail Meeting at Tumkur on 5th of Aug'2012

5 Aug 2012 10:30
5 Aug 2012 13:00

Please Note - This meeting has been postponed till further announcement due to the unavailability of the MP Basavaraj tomorrow, he apparently has to go to Delhi. Inconvienience caused is regretted. WiIl keep you all informed as we hear about the next date for this event.

-NR Team

Can Sheila Dikshit make a success of water supply outsourcing?

Spurred by the success of power distribution privatisation in Delhi (check this), the Sheila Dikshit government is looking seriously at privatisation of water distribution also.

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