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February 2011

New reforms to be implemented(BMTC)

Many have already posted about this topic in a different way so as to how make BMTC effective in terms of providing service.

Following are my views mainly in terms of operational:

Praja meeting @ City Railway station, Sunday Mar 6, 9 AM

6 Mar 2011 09:00

Here is a a good opportunity to put faces to the names we read, a meeting after a long long time! This is not only a chance to understand the operations of the City Station but also an event/place where everyone from Praja could meet.


Reduced traffic signal timings near Mekhri Circle for vehicles coming from Jayamahal Road

For the past 15 days for vehicles coming from Jayamahal Road, the timings in the traffic signal near Mekhri signal has been drastically reduced. Earlier, we could cross the signal in 5 minutes maximum but from the past 15 days it is taking between 12 to 15 minutes.

'Mysore too will get a Bus Day'

On the first anniversary of the launch of Bus Day in Bangalore, Mysore will start a similar Bus Day service.

Water - Facts we should know!

"The world is not "running out water", but it is not always available when and where people need it."

"Every minute during the next 20 years, 30 Indians will leave rural India for urban areas. India will need some 500 new cities. If there were ever a time to focus on the smart growth of our urban areas, that time is now"

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