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February 2011

CRS is not in the railway budget of 2011-12

This morning I woke up to a bad or sad news about Bengaluru CRS. Spoke with IDS over the phone and he broke the news that Mamta's budget didn't had anything to say about Bengaluru CRS. That was really heart breaking. That too after so much work put down by Namma Railu team, Bengaluru CRS was nowhere to be heard in entire budget speech.

Campaign against so-called 'privatisation' of water

In a meeting organised with the Karnataka Urban Development Minister Mr.

benefits to construction workers


I came across a news item in the DECCAN HERALD dated February 13, 2011 regarding benefits that are due by law to construction workers and which do not require any expenditure  on the part of the contractor or agency.

In fact, it is a win win situation for both the construction worker and the contractor

DDC Quiz - 1

Well having practiced for few weeks now DDs must have come across various situations scenarios. Whatever I faced , I am asking you as quiz so that we know how a DDs would react to specific scene. For example today, I came across a scenario which I am asking DDs , how would you react.

State Budget Populist? or just full of hot air?

 BSY has created history of sorts by announcing a budget before the Union one!

Lot of juicy information related to infra for blr! name it and its listed!

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