This is regarding one of the complaint I tried with BBMP. The idea was to both address my problem and to observe for the complaint management.
Here is the timeline :
19-Apr-2010 Monday @14:20:02: Filed Complaint via Spandana , BBMP's complaint portal.
19-Apr-2010 @14.20.20 Received Complaint Number and Acknowledgement via SMS
19-Apr-2010 @16.34 I enquired status via SMS
19-Apr-2010 @16.34 Received status via SMS stating complaint has been forwarded to local staff and the ticket was assigned to specific department (Health) and it said "Informed to S.H.I phine number ending with 83956"
20-Apr-2010 @ 10.14 received a call from actual contract worker (Number ending with 87356) for part-1 of complaint. He could not not locate address.
20-Apr-2010 @ 11.00 contract worker arrives
20-Apr-2010 @12.15 part 1 complete. As I was away, he got "completed" signature from neighboring lady and informed me.